My baby seems wayyyy too small!!!


Active Member
My first plant is about 3 weeks old. She popped out of the ground within the first night, she has been under 2 foot ott-lite florescents, and has been doing very well, BUT she is about 4 inches tall and only has four leaves. They are decent size leaves, but the pictures I have seen of other people's plants of the same age and are much larger and have many more leaves (as well as branches, which mine does not have). I am using Miracle-Gro Moisture Control soil (I know that's frowned upon by a lot of people, but I have also been told that it can work really well so I'm hoping it works in my favor). My grow area is small... it's in a closet. She's my only plant at the moment so I have been told a ton of room is not necessary.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there something more I can do to promote growth. I'M WORRIED!

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
i agree with chron maybe move the light closer that will reduce the stretching they stretch because they are trying to get more light on em


Well-Known Member
get a couple spiral 42 watt 65k cfls and but them directly above ur plant, about a quarter inch and monitor daily, u will prolly get 1-3 inches of grow in the first week after placing ur cfls


Well-Known Member
she or he is yet to be determined...haha wishful thinking is good tho. uprade your lights, think about hps or mh for flowering. do you have anything set up as far as ventilation?


Well-Known Member
closet isnt good for growing, if ur really 18 like u should be on this site then u shouldnt have to grow in a closet, and if u arent 18 or just have to grow in a closet then get some better lighting and maybe some better soil

it could just be a bad seed too but unlikely

considering how early u are in the process u could just start another seed and see how it does


Well-Known Member
closet is fine for 1 add a couple more with better lighting. and to the hater above, maybe some people dont like there weed plants to grow out in the open, nice to have privacy ya know?


Well-Known Member
heres my closet grow. blue light home depot special m/h and hps lighting and a few cfl lmao! 5 flowering females and still got room for about prolly 10 more! who grows mj plants without stealth? thats about as retarded as my hydro buds will make ya! bet no one can answer the stealth question cuz there all in jail, lees the prison library added some internet shit anyhow good luck



Well-Known Member
put some mylar up on the walls if u got some spare cash it will make your lights a bit more effective those walls look like a rough masa texture which even tho white non smooth surfaces reflect alot less


Well-Known Member
closet isnt good for growing, if ur really 18 like u should be on this site then u shouldnt have to grow in a closet, and if u arent 18 or just have to grow in a closet then get some better lighting and maybe some better soil

it could just be a bad seed too but unlikely

considering how early u are in the process u could just start another seed and see how it does
hundreds of people do good closet grows, what r u talking about!?


Well-Known Member
well it depends on how big your closet is
if i were using my closet i would have plenty of space but if my friend were to use his closet he would be tight on space

im just saying growing in a larger room with more space is bettter

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
haha shlubster almost walked into a firestorm on that one. Nice recovery LOL. I think a majority of the people on this site are closet growers. Me included:dunce: But it's cool. I would love to grow in a larger room.

To zephyr, my best suggestion honestly would be to start over with a better soil. Truly, MG sucks to grow this plant. The N-P-K's are all out of whack. Especially the continued release or whatever because if you encounter a problem you can't flush out the nutrients with water. I suggest going with coco coir. Look into it. It is very cheap, easy to get, and VERY forgiving to the beginner. Plant new seeds in coco today and you will have four inch tall plants with four leaves in 5 or 6 days.


Active Member
Thanks juwan! Really helpful...I've been trying decide for weeks what kind of soil to use, or if I completely messed up by using MG. I'll try coco coir.