My Baby Has Problems

Okay this is my first plant so, as you may expect, I'm running into some problems. Right now just about every leaf is doing this cupping thing. I am about three days into the flowering cycle, using 12/12 lighting as well as FloraNova series nutrients. At this point I'm using FloraNova Bloom since it's in the flowering cycle.

Below I've posted some pictures. Remember that I'm new at this so please POST SOLUTIONS AS WELL AS PROBLEMS. Telling me what's wrong and not how to fix it doesn't help too much.




Well-Known Member
how hot is your grow room mate because the leafs curls down to protect it self from the heat??
how hot is your grow room mate because the leafs curls down to protect it self from the heat??
In all honesty I don't have a thermometer in there. I just extended the lights upward away from the leaves. If you couldn't tell, it's in a rather secret place (a closet) and I can't leave the door open.

Anyways, where can I find a good thermometer?


Well-Known Member
anyone will do the job as long as you can read the temp. digital are the best to use tho. if you live in england places to go are some d.i.y shops sell them bnq,homebargins,wilkos,focus,homebase your growshop


Well-Known Member
you should always hav a thermometer in your grow rooms. do you extract aswell? mucky air ist good in growrooms.


Active Member
Is there some sort of growing medium that we cant see from the pictures because your plants look like they are placed in a very small amount of medium and you aren't giving them much room for roots. Or is it a bubbleponics?

feeding schedule? light schedule? ppm/water temp?


Well-Known Member
walmart has cheap, efficient digital thermometers that tell you the temp and the humidity.