My auto's need some advice!


This here is my, Russian Rocket Fuel It is a autoflower Strain!
And this is my first grow on Auto's!
Now my fan's are turn yellowish on the tip's! There about 24 day's old.
Should i startIMG_20110902_202615.jpg feedin them ladie's or what? Now i have Botanicare Soil Formula Pro Bloom 1-4-5. What do you guys think? What should i do? I really love these IMG_20110902_202326.jpgauto's so far! Seem's alot faster than mother seed! :) And i do grow for my own Medical need's can't afford the the shit out here in phx ! haha:leaf:IMG_20110902_202635.jpg


These ladie's started to flower on day 14!!
Now i dont know if i should feed them or what ive gave them nice cycle of water once every 5-7 days!!
Some advice for these girl's befor somthing bad happen's!?


Well-Known Member
feed them. do you have anything with a higher n level? i would give them a shot of something higher in n this feeding. those plants look pretty stretched, how far away from the tops and what kind of lighting are you using?


Active Member
Well I believe the yellowing of the lower leaves is a N deficiency, so feeding them some low N food for flowering wont help that. N I dont think its your ph because you would see other nutrient deficiencies before you see N when there is a ph problem. But by the looks of you leaves your soil has time released nutes in it because the tips are a slight tinge which isn't bad. So either go grab some grow nutes and apply very slightly or just wait it out and use what you got when think you need a bloom push. Im thinking the soil your using probably has enough nutes in it to survive the grow, though you can try and use your bloom stuff, just start out very slow and up until you see a more burning like you have, then go back to straight water and gradually up the food dose again. The already yellow leaves wont get better but if you fix the problem with some grow, the yellowing should stop moving up your plant.



Oh well what if i give it some 10-15-10?
And one of my girls look streched cause i tied them down on a stresstrain!
there no bigger than 6 inchs ill take some new pics!
Im using the 'T5 Sun Blaze flowering light system!'