My attempt to graft a photoperiod plant into a autoflowering stalk/roots.

Hey I'm new here, this is an attempt to graft a girl scout cookies photo Stem into that auto flowering plant, that's 2 weeks or even less to Completions stalk. I was sitting around wondering about grafting and then I started thinking about possibilities and googled about other people trying it this, and onlyw a couple had attempted it and no one ever successfully achieved it . Add fat add I could read and tell, or had the results of whether or not the the photo would take on the auto flowering trait and start flowing when it infused or what would take place. Or they just ain't telling. P
I'm also going to take one the stems from the auto flowering plant and put on the photo and graft into it. The stem from the girl scout cookie I took I had placed in water for about 4 days and had begun to show a couple of little roots and I put it right in the middle of the main stock of the auto flowering put a little honey, mud ,and cloning solution endart packedit a little put then some tissue around it and and a small piece oftape to secure it .I kept it open a little and angoing to keep the toilet paper wet 3 or 4 days. Any advice or tips on anything else to doto it? Have I made any awful mistakes this far? I just spliced the stalk and inserted the stem 2 hours ago, so there's still probably time if i have. Does it need a humidity dome?or some plastic around it rather, as a humidity dome would be impossible or improbable. It's abit crooked cause that wasd the natural pressure that resulted from the slight angle I spliced into main stem. This is my first attempt at grafting. Im suprised it's still doing even as good ads it is, but don't expect it to work first round. I need a make shift thin humidity dome I think.
Do a google search for "grafting cannabis". There are lots of articles and step by steps on how do do it properly. Grafting plants is done all the time. Cannabis is just another plant.
I have pondered the idea of grafting. But then I told myself that I ain't a mad scientists enough for that. That would be some Frankenstein Weed for sure :bigjoint:
Hey I'm new here, this is an attempt to graft a girl scout cookies photo Stem into that auto flowering plant, that's 2 weeks or even less to Completions stalk. I was sitting around wondering about grafting and then I started thinking about possibilities and googled about other people trying it this, and onlyw a couple had attempted it and no one ever successfully achieved it . Add fat add I could read and tell, or had the results of whether or not the the photo would take on the auto flowering trait and start flowing when it infused or what would take place. Or they just ain't telling. P
I'm also going to take one the stems from the auto flowering plant and put on the photo and graft into it. The stem from the girl scout cookie I took I had placed in water for about 4 days and had begun to show a couple of little roots and I put it right in the middle of the main stock of the auto flowering put a little honey, mud ,and cloning solution endart packedit a little put then some tissue around it and and a small piece oftape to secure it .I kept it open a little and angoing to keep the toilet paper wet 3 or 4 days. Any advice or tips on anything else to doto it? Have I made any awful mistakes this far? I just spliced the stalk and inserted the stem 2 hours ago, so there's still probably time if i have. Does it need a humidity dome?or some plastic around it rather, as a humidity dome would be impossible or improbable. It's abit crooked cause that wasd the natural pressure that resulted from the slight angle I spliced into main stem. This is my first attempt at grafting. Im suprised it's still doing even as good ads it is, but don't expect it to work first round. I need a make shift thin humidity dome I think.

Strictly Toy value: unless you live in a hard ass state limiting you legal grow to fuck all
in that case stay normal illegal and grow as many do

a nice Christmas present perhaps: but time is better spent on more important issues!
The number one purpose or experiment is to make a photo period plant flower like an auto by grafting onto an autos root system. Would the fibrogen continue toi do its job
The deal would be to grow out one photoperiod sterile male and
graft 2-3 week old female auto's to the sterile male trunk

then pluck of the female every 60 days
and with more 'sterile male' grafting,
He would grow like a huge vine 60ft x 12 high 16ft wide,
perhaps Sony built drones would spider the new 2 week auto clones
into the male cambium surface,
this northern lights is fucking excellent!
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Haha now you are thinking.. so it is kind of child's play maybe actually a waste of time... it's a 4 plant limit allowed here in Kentucky for it to stay under a felony. To think we're second(per capita) in Marijuana production in the state's ..I think.. and one of the last to legalize it
the autoflower will flower at some point and once that's over, your experiment will die.

grafting can be used to build a photoperiodic multi-strain motherplant.
theres no point in using autos...
If a photoperiod plant was grafted onto an autoflower rootstock I dont see why the plant would die because it is photosynthesizing for the roots at that point. But IMO it would be a big waste of time I don't see any advantages to an autoflower root stock but I haven't researched that or if male rootstocks are better for any reason
Sorry my above post isn't really helpful to what you're asking
I like vostoks picture that is nice!

Maybe you could do the air layering technique where the two meet, and then possibly bury it down? Odd subject!

This would be a cool thread if you posted pictures on the progress!
If a photoperiod plant was grafted onto an autoflower rootstock I dont see why the plant would die because it is photosynthesizing for the roots at that point. But IMO it would be a big waste of time I don't see any advantages to an autoflower root stock but I haven't researched that or if male rootstocks are better for any reason
the auto expires after 2 months no matter what you do taking the photoperiodic scion with it its a natural death
far better the other way around then you just gotta keep the mother in motherhood!
I don't have any experience with autos but I have been grafting photoperiodics for several years.
Here is a closeup of a typical healed graft. The lighter wood is from a male. Darker wood is a female. This is called a 'nuptial' graft.
If you are interested in grafting I would suggest you take a look at the side veneer graft. Several good videos on YouTube.
Cannabis is easy to graft but I have to admit, other than breeding, I have not found much use for it.
Why don't you graft auto on photoperiod one? It will be much better. You can have a mother that will live indefinitely and you can graft as many branches auto as you want. Please conduct this experiment. I just don't have place for mothers at the moment. Very interested though
The simple answer is no. The photo plant will not acquire the auto plant traits. The grafted plant has it's own genetics and that will never change. So grafting a photo on an auto will not work out. The bottom of the plant will go into flower mode while the grafted branch will not.
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I don't have any experience with autos but I have been grafting photoperiodics for several years.
Here is a closeup of a typical healed graft. The lighter wood is from a male. Darker wood is a female. This is called a 'nuptial' graft.
If you are interested in grafting I would suggest you take a look at the side veneer graft. Several good videos on YouTube.
Cannabis is easy to graft but I have to admit, other than breeding, I have not found much use for it.
Grafting Tape you use it what can I use thats just as good

I've been using electrical tape I'm afraid its not sterile