My attempt at LST


New Member
I am trying LST with one plant, I pinned it down to the side, and then started on a circle around the pot, but I accendentally snapped the main stem. It didnt snap off or break open, but its totally bent. This isnt going to kill her right?


Well-Known Member
nope she will be fine, just let her keep growing, even if you snapped her in half you could probably still use a splint and some tape, cannabis is a tough plant


Well-Known Member
You can use whatever training methods you want on any plant.. SOG though usually pertains to many small untrained plants.. What you describe though would be perfect for a scrog setup though..


Well-Known Member
I know, it was a joke because damaging the plant like that isn't too far from pinching which is also a training technique..


Junior Creatologist
rather than bending the main stem around the pot like that diagram says, you could also just drill holes all around the lip of your pot, and keep taking the branches and tying them down - check my journal out - its not like super impressive or nothin, but its a simpler way to tie down your babies and maximize your space without doing any type of permanent damage to your plants. the pics i have there are a week old and ive almost doubled the ties since then cuz im flowering and they are hulkin out right now, but youll get the concept.

The only downside is though, you do have to be careful when tying down one branch, and then going to the opposite side to tie down the other. With my banzai, i did that, and pulled my string too tight, and ended up splitting the main stem right down themiddle somethin like 2 inches all the way down the stem. I tied it up though, added some water, n within 3 days it binded itself back together n i took the wrap offa the stem, no problemo.

Good luck with your grow man, i hope it turns out ok!!


Active Member

I disagree with this bein truly effective. When i do LST i always make sure the top 'king bud' is as low as possible (Because the plant gets confused because it has no true king bud causes the rapid flowering in all areas)


Junior Creatologist
I mean, you could be right, i havent had a harvest yet, and my plants are just now a week n a half into flowering, but as far as my branches go, they are all as low as they will let me tie them down. I retie every week, and make sure that everything is as low as humanly possible, n then the tops just flip right back up, but the branches get nice n twisty. The good thing about this method is that all of the branches that have little tufts of growth all over the branches that arent fully maturing, get a shitload more light daily cuz the canopy is more spread out so that light penetrates all the way through the plant. Like i said, this is just MHO so i guess ill be able to attest to this as soon as i have my first successful harvest using this method - which hopefully will be in another 7-8 weeks :D


Active Member
i checked your journal to check out the holes in the pot method seems to work pretty nice. When i did mine i veged it and tried to stretch it as much as i could (first time around i veged low enery. my current indoor i veged under the 400w.). then i tied it down a couple days before budding and pulled it down a couple inches a day. it was not even 3 ft tall had a qp dry yield as well. this was it after like 3 weeks or so

ill have pictures up of the newest this weekend

woahh that shit is high rez


Well-Known Member

I disagree with this bein truly effective. When i do LST i always make sure the top 'king bud' is as low as possible (Because the plant gets confused because it has no true king bud causes the rapid flowering in all areas)
extra bud sites (rapid flowering?) is the aim of LST. hormones moves from the top bud, now tied down, to a lower growtip and bushes the plant.

your tie downs look good, man. she give you some nice colas.


New Member
Plant is doing great. Half circle around a dixie cup now.

Should I chop the leaves that lay on the dirt?


Well-Known Member
Won't hurt to do that.. Right now they're probably getting cannibalized to feed more productive parts of the plants.. Its a pain when that crap builds up though, and your plants are jungly.. Zero tolerance for straggle the whole way through can make life easier..