My all T5 closet grow, 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
Well some bad news. The new light I just got just died on me all of a sudden. I am waiting for the seller to reply to my email about exchanging it for a new one. I also forgot to turn off one of the side lights in the closet last night so the plants had light until 430 AM so that just messed up my 12/12 lighting cycle, I hope I dont have any issues from that. Going to get that light on a timer so that does not happen again.


Well-Known Member
Got it a week ago. I am using 2 36" 4 bulb aquarium HO T5 fixtures they have a built in digital display/timer that failed on the new one so I can no longer turn it off and on since everything is controlled threw the display.
What about me leaving a 4 bulb 24" T5 HO light on for 6 1/2 hours longer than I should have on day 4 of 12/12??? I dont want to have hermis.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Got it a week ago. I am using 2 36" 4 bulb aquarium HO T5 fixtures they have a built in digital display/timer that failed on the new one so I can no longer turn it off and on since everything is controlled threw the display.
What about me leaving a 4 bulb 24" T5 HO light on for 6 1/2 hours longer than I should have on day 4 of 12/12??? I dont want to have hermis.
one day won't heart a weed plant.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool thanks. Waiting to hear back from the seller on returning the light. They have always been great about it in the past but I need a replacement ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Why not? It makes life so much easier I can setup each bank of lights to turn off and on as I want them and the fixture only has one power cord not 1 per ballast like most others. The seller contacted me back and said they would send me a replacement display unit or just replace the whole light fixture. So I decided to just try the display unit first since I think that is all that is wrong with it. Should be getting sent in the mail for me today.
One a side note I helped a friend of mine cut down and trim 6 good sized New York Super Diesel plants and wow really good smelly plants, hands where super sticky by the time I was done. I have never seen that much high quality smoke in one place at one time. 2013 is going to be a good year.


Well-Known Member
Well the timer did not fix the light so I am having the seller ship me a replacement. On the plus side I have flowers now! Pics later.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Watt for watt HO T5 is the best type of florescent lighting to use.
Well, not really. I have 3 grows under 432w HOT5 using a mix of aquarium bulbs. Don't get me wrong, HOT5 (with the right bulbs) does a fine job, but leds have come a very long way. Here is a comparison of ~ 300w of HOT5 during flower) and ~ 80 led watts. Wile the HOT5 produced ~ 20% more weight, it was 3-4Xs more watts. What I like about HOT5 (mines 48") is the coverage for the money



LED - ufo 90 1w R/B + supplemental one watt diode bulbs (5-7w per)



Well-Known Member
Well, not really. I have 3 grows under 432w HOT5 using a mix of aquarium bulbs. Don't get me wrong, HOT5 (with the right bulbs) does a fine job, but leds have come a very long way. Here is a comparison of ~ 300w of HOT5 during flower) and ~ 80 led watts. Wile the HOT5 produced ~ 20% more weight, it was 3-4Xs more watts. What I like about HOT5 (mines 48") is the coverage for the money


View attachment 2466152

LED - ufo 90 1w R/B + supplemental one watt diode bulbs (5-7w per)

View attachment 2466153View attachment 2466151
Please note that I said florescent lighting. LED is not florescent. Florescent lights use a gas that lights up different colors when excited by an electrical current. LED is a diode on a circuit board or chip that emits light thus LED there is no gas in a LED light. But yes LED lighting is becoming something to look at in replacement of a high watt high heat HID/HPS/MH and is lower in energy use that flourescents.


Well-Known Member
Looks good. Very healthy. Think height may be an issue since they add another half of their size during flower? Or are you gonna train them down?
And theyre fighting for light so theyre going to stretch, cut out all nitrogen almost and it might stop it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have too many in the space only going to do 4 next time. All female clones. At the beginning of veg I had the light at least a foot away from the plants so that may have caused the to stretch some. I will be trying to train the plant on the next grow to better suit my setup. I did a large trimming a week before going into flower, cant really tell any more lol. The shortest HO T5 bulbs I have seen are the 24 watt 24 inch bulbs.
they probably stretched because their fighting for light....


Well-Known Member
Finally got the light fixed so now I have all my lights running in the grow closet. Starting to get some nice flowers on the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I updated this so here it is. Flowering started on 12-31-12 so on day 18 what do you think? How are my buds looking? I think they look pretty good for weeks 2-3. Getting frosty already.