My 8hr flowering experiment

This is a long thread so can you please recap how the yield and potency compared between the 6 and 12 hour photoperiods? In that article you posted images of they quoted from an early study that said hemp flowered fastest with a 6 hour day, but they didn't include the following part where it said "but growth was slower". I recall reading the full quote before. It was one of the first studies in how flowering works, by Julien Tournois.

I have also read that less than 12 hour days reduces potency. But it also said that it doesn't have to be 12 hours straight. Could be, for instance, 8 on 3 off 1 on 12 off. So you could save power that way.

BTW, here's an interesting article abstract I was just reading;

1. Flowering of hemp, Cannabis sativa L., variety Kentucky, occurred in all plants at photoperiods of 8-14 hours, inclusive. At photoperiods of 16-20 hours flowering was incomplete and greatly delayed. 2. Seedling plants 3-5 weeks old flowered within about 2 weeks when shifted from 16-hour to 8-hour photoperiods. Five-week-old plants required fewer 8-hour photoperiods than did 3-week-old plants for equal promotion of flowering. 3. When one branch of a two-branched plant was subjected to short photoperiods, the production of flowers was restricted to that branch. Temperatures as low as 55⚬ F. applied during the dark periods did not inhibit flowering. 4. Intensities of light from an incandescent-filament lamp greater than 0.03 ft-c. inhibited flower-bud initiation of hemp when applied daily during the 16-hour periods between successive 8-hour periods of natural light outdoors. 5. Pollination of female plants with pollen from male flowers produced on female plants resulted in seed that produced only female plants. This "female" seed was produced in such abundance that subsequent experiments were done with plants from this source. 6. The relative abundance of nitrogen in the nutrient solution did not greatly modify the extent to which male flowers were formed on female plants, but it influenced their rate of development. 7. Full intensity of natural light resulted in production of male flowers on a greater percentage of female plants than did lower intensities of natural light. 8. Transfer of plants from long photoperiods to photoperiods appreciably shorter than that critical for flowering resulted in production of male flowers on a greater percentage of female plants than occurred when they were transferred to photoperiods only slightly shorter than the critical one. 9. A low temperature during or immediately prior to photoperiodic induction resulted in more extensive production of male flowers on female plants than did a higher temperature. 10. The tendency of plants of certain female lines to form male flowers was significantly greater than that of plants of other lines, indicating that selection for abundant production of male flowers on female plants might be successful. 11. Detailed dissection of all the buds on plants that had failed to flower when grown on long photoperiods revealed the presence of a few floral primordia in the axils of certain fully expanded leaves. Both male and female flower buds were present in these positions, but they failed to continue development except when subjected to short photoperiods.

An interesting thing there is that you can flower one branch by itself, unlike any other short day plant I know of.
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This is a long thread so can you please recap how the yield and potency compared between the 6 and 12 hour photoperiods? In that article you posted images of they quoted from an early study that said hemp flowered fastest with a 6 hour day, but they didn't include the following part where it said "but the yield was reduced". I recall reading the full quote before. It was one of the first studies in how flowering works. Don't recall the guy's name or anything.

I have also read that less than 12 hour days reduces potency. But it also said that it doesn't have to be 12 hours straight. Could be, for instance, 8 on 3 off 1 on 12 off. So you could save power that way.

BTW, here's an interesting article abstract I was just reading;

An interesting thing there is that you can flower one branch by itself, unlike any other short day plant I know of.
Well that's kind of a lot to summarize and turn into a Coles note version and I'm fairly certain your one of the guys that was looking to argue in another thread so take this all as just my impression of everything I've learnt since the start of the thread.

Plants will flower with only 6 hrs.
The yield suffered considerably and my first run got pollinated while I was in the hospital. Still got 55-60% of a 12 hr yield and potency didn't show a noticeable decrease.

8hrs seems to be a great middle of the road number for me.
Most of my friends and fam that also grow are now using 8hrs.
They are seeing anywhere from 80-90% of their former yields using 12 hrs.

I also use glr to veg and Indy Dom plants seem to do best. The potency Thing is a myth Imo I've noticed the opposite in fact.
Between glr and 8/16 I've chopped at least 7plus days off as well as 33% of energy usage.

It's like everything else tho every situation is different and I wouldn't recommend glr or reduced hours for anyone that grows for cash or every gram counts.
Down the road however once I have three rooms cycling 8/16 my grams per watt will be incredible
Looking great, glad to see you got both the lights going and seed drop! Nice summary of the 8/16 and glr environment, definitely something I'll be testing out vs. my current environment.
Thank you sir
It has been a nice break of positivity for me lately. I can't complain.
Hopefully everything continues to go smoothly.

Decided to keep the dank Sinatra male. I'll throw him in the shed and backyard. If he lives long enough I'll catch some pollen and dust some lowers.
Yup! Them lights made up my mind
I'm getting me some now.. The growth floors me Tt.
And they're good for both veg" And bloom ..
Currently out of stock but supposed to be steady stock beginning of March onwards.
I want two more myself.
Doing my best to not become a salesman tho. Or a cheer leader.
But from what I'm seeing already the game is changing fast.
Heat is no longer my biggest hurdle.