My 84 yr old Grandma just started using cannabis!


Well-Known Member

Note the deft movement to clear that chamber... Methinks Nana is not so new to all of this...


New Member
Lung Cancer is no joke! Rick Simpsons oil is what you need her on...NOW! It saved my life when chemo couldn't and it is even helping with the issues caused by the chemo. At her age with lung cancer, you need to get bigger doses into her ASAP. Vaping, eating edibles and juicing all are good but the concentrates is what is the cure. I now crush my bud into powder and use 00 capsules. One drop of oil and the rest powder. I was taking a gram of oil for over two years, now I still take a dose but generally its for maintenance purposes only. Tell your Gramma that ther will be no, wasted feeling once she has gotten it in her system...Trust me when I say...I don't get High anymore! Hope the best and PM me if you need anything...JAS ...................P.S. ilexes and tinctures also work better than edibles and can be concentrated down for a potent mix.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you on Nate. He's doing some great things out of the goodness of his heart, and is really sticking his neck out in the process. I'm just doing a small part in helping him. These high cbd genetics are medicine. I've seen this stuff literally change patients lives for the better. These genetics need to be spread far and wide. As Mr B pointed out, the only stipulation is that these cuts need to be given away. This is strictly not-for-profit.

Nate is continuing to work this strain trying to further isolate the cbd, and has promised to get any new and improved versions out to us. He's anticipating closer to 30% cbd with his next run. Exciting stuff!

Are these clone only? I have never heard of such high numbers. Great thread.