hey these are my 8.5 week old babys before i planted i dug holes about 2ft deep put a heap of fish and parwns in them.then added prawn and banna skins and mixed into the soil
will be posting new pics later 2dayhey sorry it took soooo long to write back i havent had internet in ages.yandi last time i was growing i had 2 diffrent strains (bag seeds)1 was really big but turned male so i moved it away then the others started heading but they wornt the best so i got 1 plant and put pollen on 1 of the females and i got this.and beginnerboomer yes they are all 8 out of 8 where female!but sadly i had 2 pull all but 2 becouse i had to have police around my house cos on boxing day we had a home invasion and assult....and bonghoger i started organic but ended up switching to a 16 13 12 soulation.and scoobyman ever seince i have started growing a ihave used all tyeps of sea food i have been told by my dad who has been growing for over 25 years that the plants love all the nutrience the rotting fish gives off.and for a emualtion i usally just get a heap of sheep shit put it in a bucket of water let it sit for a day then water em wit it.the 1 downside about using sea food foood is ants but i got lots of little spidders where i grow and they seen to eat up most of the ants.p.s i will add some more photos as soon as i get my camera out of the hock shop they are now about 3 weeks into buding
Got any plans for this year? Tis the season.