my 8-10k watt kush grow


Active Member

with whatever leniency you might have gotten, when you start stealing from a private utility, its auto-fed offense. have been told by a friend who's cousin works on special narc force in SoCAL that is the #1 way they usually get 'em


Active Member
That's a nice, clean lookin' room -excellent use of your basement! Is that an AC unit sitting on the blocks? When you go to 8Kw do you think it will be worth the trouble to put the ballasts outside the room or is the heat a concern? -where does the LED vendor get the lights??? Thanks Dan


Well-Known Member
Keep it up, looking forward to the future.... Quick question, I don't understand your technique on your pruning way, cut the fan leaf covering branches/ bud sites? I always prune a few strategically picked fan leaves to uncover branches, prior and throughout the stretch. so those branches can move up create a more even canopy... so why prune the leaves after the stretch if the buds will continue to grow the same? I have found/ thought, that buds with direct light are denser, and branchs with direct light will grow more rapidly than ones without..... But of course you are growing vertically...... not horizontally....


Well-Known Member
thanks express. pulled down the 2 smallest plants the other day and got 4~ oz. off each. and they were way smaller than the rest, like the runts. so i'm super stoked.

wonder. i just prune the fan laves so the buds get more direct light. a little defoliation, but nothing too crazy like some people.


Well-Known Member
thanks express. pulled down the 2 smallest plants the other day and got 4~ oz. off each. and they were way smaller than the rest, like the runts. so i'm super stoked.

wonder. i just prune the fan laves so the buds get more direct light. a little defoliation, but nothing too crazy like some people.
damn q/p a plant is great... especially since there your smallest