my 400w and some


Active Member
OK guys 3 days into 12/12...... This is my first real indoor grow, could anyone give me a prediction on a dry weight. I also need something white reflective to put around the plant but I couldn't find mylar anywhere.

I think it stays a bit cool down in the basement during the night while the lights are off b/c its not really all that hot here yet, but I ain't complaining.

I have 1 Really big gal, shes a romulan (in the rubbermaid Its a huge bush), and 2 avg sized in 5 gallon bags, 1 in the front is Early Girl and the one in the back is another Romulan from nextgen seeds.

They are all under a 400 W, the big one taking up most. I have a 4ft double fluoro hanging over the 5 gallon bags for a little extra light. I also have 8 small Romulan clones under 6 cfls which im just attempting a small scrog.

So any help, advise or predictions would be greatly appreciated, and I might even keep ya's posted

Also should I remove some leaves from that big MUTHA?
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Active Member
as far as maylar go to REI.Com, they will ship them to you. there calld heat or survival blankets, they cost around $10 a peice. also it looks like you need a bigger fan on your plants. the stems are looking really thin, your plant wont be able to hold as much nug with thoes thin stems.

LOL and if u want to see how much your plants ar gonna give, go grab a nug and put it up net to the nodes on one of your plants. weigh that nug, and then multiply it by the number of nodes on your plant and you should ahve a rough prediction


Active Member
I'm in canada...... would Kent's, Home Depot, Canadian Tire have anything, I looked but any plastic they have is clear, maybe im looking in the wrong section.

paying 10bucks a blanket online would end up costing some money.


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tonight before the lights went off I went and had a look.... one leaf on the big mutha seemed to have a white patch of color going thru it,,,,, is this from the cold?


Active Member
13 days 12/12

Update, tried my best to get some better pics.... put the fatty beside my oil tank to help give some proportion.

I re arranged how they were all sitting.... and added another double 4ft tube.
