My 4' X 4' TENT, adding too much co2? or Not enough?


Well-Known Member
CO2 Started today-
I have a Green Air co2 regulator/dispensing unit that I just hooked up today. The unit will be nice for the room, but way over-kill for the tent.
I found this link to a co2 calculator that lets you know how long to leave the co2 on to get 1500ppm of co2 in the room. You give the room dimensions + co2 flow rate and they give the time. For my tent it said 1.008 minutes. So every hour, on the hour I flow 1 minute of co2 into the tent. The tube that provides the co2 to the tent is hooked up to the back of the fan which is blowing over the tops of the plants.
Concerned - Too much co2
With co2 being pumped into the room every hour (only when light are on), what kind of build up can I expect? I did a good job sealing the tent up, and the fan blows while the lights are on, 18-6 schedule. The tent has covered vents on 3 sides located at the bottom. The plants are on a table about 2'-6" above floor level and I know co2 is heaver then air.
Is the co2 being used by the plants and escaping out the vents by the blowing fan so the 1 minute co2 boost every hour is good? Or are the levels of co2 building and building every hour and poisoning my plants?
The answer is Sentinel Environmental Controller but that's $600 I don't have right now.
Any help/input with this would sure be great.

smoking chef

Well-Known Member
Is your light totally sealed? If not that will pull some of your co2 out. The way I have my tent set up is sealed hood with a blower to cool light sucking thru outside of tent, thru air sealed hood and exhausted out. co2 and tent exhaust are on seperate timers. co2 on exhaust off. co2 off exhaust on. fifteen minute intervals. so tent exhaust and light cooling blowers are different. works great. Also I have just the co2 on for the first hour that the lights are on then alternating with exhaust. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Hello Chef-
My light just hangs with nothing attached. My exhaust just hangs there, covered up to keep the co2 from escaping. My temps run about 75-80 degrees in the tent with no cooling required. This will change as the seasons change. The grow room (area tent is in) comes down to 60 degrees just b4 the lights come on in the morning and stays about 60-65 degrees through out the day. (Outdoor temps running 30's at night/50's and lower 60's during the day).

NOTE: opened up the tent this morning after using co2 for 24 hrs. and the inside of the tent is wet with condensation. Very wet. I think I may have gone over board with the co2 yesterday. Today adjustments were made, the co2 comes on 1 min every 2 hrs vs. every hr.
Hello Chef-
My light just hangs with nothing attached. My exhaust just hangs there, covered up to keep the co2 from escaping. My temps run about 75-80 degrees in the tent with no cooling required. This will change as the seasons change. The grow room (area tent is in) comes down to 60 degrees just b4 the lights come on in the morning and stays about 60-65 degrees through out the day. (Outdoor temps running 30's at night/50's and lower 60's during the day).

NOTE: opened up the tent this morning after using co2 for 24 hrs. and the inside of the tent is wet with condensation. Very wet. I think I may have gone over board with the co2 yesterday. Today adjustments were made, the co2 comes on 1 min every 2 hrs vs. every hr.
Did you leave the co2 for 24hrs ?? I heard your only suppose to turn the co2 on only when the lights are on
The whole tent is wet with condensation ?? Did you consider getting a dehumidifier ??
I'm planning on running co2 in my 8x8 tent too, but im doing research on it before im ready to use co2. Meanwhile, i'm using fresh intake air. Have you ever used just fresh air? Can you notice a difference using co2 compared to your last grow
Does the co2 make your buds dense and big? My buds are a sort of fluffy using fresh air, so im really considering using co2