Well-Known Member
Hey SS how do the rails drain, bottom and I can't see it? Not the grey coupling correct?
Thanks again to everyone here especially SS! You guys are amazing.
I plan on switching to 12/12 Sunday, I can't wait. I got some clones last Sunday will take more today, that way I can give them a couple of days to heal before switching lights. Is this the preferred method or can you take clones right before changing light schedule? Should I give them more days then just the 2 to recover.
they drain into one an 1.5 inch pipe stretching across. there is a 1.5" T connection, that drains back to the rez.
I use 2-3" pipe for drainage. Liek the extra space for flow
Its pretty simple. there are pics in the begging of the thread. its real simple the drainage set up.
You have to USE A DREMEL to get nice fitments...
At the end of the day if you can drain the rails in any way without leaks back into the rez. YOU ARE GOOD

For building the systems, i just sat there looked at the pics SS put up... and figured it out..
good luck