my 3 stages of flower


Active Member
I rent an apartment. It is actually a really old place so unless i plastic over everything, sealing could be quite a pain in the ass. It has really old windows. Far from energy efficient. I have lived here quite a long time and have never had the landlord show up. He leaves me alone so long as I pay my rent. I am considering moving out this time next year to either my own house, or possibly another one of my landlords apts. He has a zillion of them. He rents houses as well. If the growing goes well then it might allow me to get my own home sooner. I want to know what I am consuming, what strains, and just enjoy the experience. My connection is a good guy but the prices are ridiculous, and I understand that there are many risks involved but 400 and o for some upper mids. He has been slacking for the last couple years too, running the same strain over and over. The buds look good but I have seen some much better nugs coming out of these systems than I have gotten from my guy in a long time. This system seems to have proven itself over and over.


Active Member
Also the walls have little to no insulation. I have neighbors above and below. I really believe a canister is the only way to go to make sure. When I move out and get a real system set up I can look into sealed rooms and co2. I might be able to do co2 after my first grow but wont the canister just suck the co2 right out of the room? Could I filter the room that my tent sits in instead. Alright, I am getting a little ahead of myself. I will deal with that part when I get there. First things first, clone and veg, oh yeah and seeds. Should be ordering some pretty soon. I am thinking some chocolate rain, anasthesia, kolossus, and maybe some new blue diesel. The yields on all of them seem respectable. There are a lot of different phenos so I should hopefully be able to find some gems to perpetually harvest. Harvesting times aren't to bad and from the amount of different phenos I might be able to find some earlier high producers.


Well-Known Member
I rent an apartment. It is actually a really old place so unless i plastic over everything, sealing could be quite a pain in the ass. It has really old windows. Far from energy efficient. I have lived here quite a long time and have never had the landlord show up. He leaves me alone so long as I pay my rent. I am considering moving out this time next year to either my own house, or possibly another one of my landlords apts. He has a zillion of them. He rents houses as well. If the growing goes well then it might allow me to get my own home sooner. I want to know what I am consuming, what strains, and just enjoy the experience. My connection is a good guy but the prices are ridiculous, and I understand that there are many risks involved but 400 and o for some upper mids. He has been slacking for the last couple years too, running the same strain over and over. The buds look good but I have seen some much better nugs coming out of these systems than I have gotten from my guy in a long time. This system seems to have proven itself over and over.

dont get an aparntment. plan your op properly for long term safety.

buy cheap land in rural bum fuk nowhere for cheapo. buy a pre-construction trailer or a small prefab house. hook up 120a electricity some basic water.

the cost will be the same a getting an apartment for a year..


Active Member
Hey SS, do you have those super dark green leaves in veg cause I don't! What would you add to get them or just say fuck it? Not really having problems just curious!


Well-Known Member
i dont consider my leaves to be dark, just normal, but i used to have darker leaves in flower. i believe add more nitrogen for darker.


Active Member
Tried one of SS's suggestion yesterday! Put one teaspoon of h2o2 in 16 oz of water, soaked 23 seeds in it over night, everyone of them have popped!! Thanks!!! Oh yeah, 5 each Burmese Kush, WW, Grapefruit Kush, AK47, and 3 Superskunk!


Active Member
i cant find 3/4" end caps any were im uk that are pvc ima still use the pvc pipes but summit else goin down pics in a few days!! :)


Active Member
I realize it would be a pain in the ass for such a small item, but can't you just have them shipped to ya?


Well-Known Member
the baddass fan took a dump, like a lot of other peoples. i went with a cheap ecoplus wall mount and it is best fan ive had.


Well-Known Member

check out near by european countries, we have em.. and we are close by.. Pm me for missing stuff. i am only a few hours away


Well-Known Member

can you jot down your step by step method of starting seeds. you mentioned you were going to do that, but never did. from what i read from a coupl eof posts..

1. soak overnight in water mixed with 1 table spoon of h202 ( paper towels)

2. once they sprout insert into neoprene collars and net cup. You mentioned jiffy pucks. I cant get those..

3. throw into cloner( for how long)?



Active Member
This isn't what SS does but it is what I do. Mix one tsp h2o2 with 16 oz water, soak until they pop, should be around 24 hours. I cut paper towels to fit into a sandwich size ziplock Baggie so that is doubled up and the fold is at the bottom, and soak the paper towel. I then place the seeds between the paper towel, with the popped sided pointing to the bottom of the Baggie, about 1/3 of the way down. I then close the bag and hang it. The roots will grow down inside the paper towel. Once it sheds the seed shell and the first set of leaves appear, I very carefully put them into the collars with the first set of leaves sitting on top the collar. It usually takes three days in the baggies.


Well-Known Member
i pop them in a glass of water with h2o2. then into jiffy pellets until they are tall enough to slipna collar on without hurting and into cloner. i keep in cloner until they show me they want nutes.


Well-Known Member
i dont go by days, i go by the plant. the way the roots look, the color of the leaves. when they start to lighten i go to veg.