My 3 girls w/ PICS - help diagnose problem please


Well-Known Member
These are my 3 girls (confirmed) The problem I have having just started recently the fan leaves are all dying on the biggest one mainly with the same beginning in the others. I already transplanted them once. They are currently in 6.5 gallon pots with a mixture of MG and expert gardener soil. Don't tell me its because im using MG soil, because they have been in it since early june and thrived perfect. They I give them ferts about weekly 2 tsp of Grow Big per gallon of water and I usaully split 2 gallons between the 3 plants when I water. I know the dry/wet weight of the pots so I know when they need water so I HIGHLY doubt overwatering is a problem. Also its the big one had VERY SLIGHT signs of nute burn but I layed off it and its been fine.

Please give me some feedback.

BTW the plants range from around 4.5 the smallest to a little under 6 ft on the big one (which is the one with the main problem)

PH of my tap water i use with them is slightly alkaline in the 7.6 range, I dont PH it after i add the Grow Big but i figure it lowers it from that to the 6+ish range, and like it said this was never an issue before. Also root bind is the problem im thinking, but they have alot of soil and 6.5 gallon pots so im not sure.

One more thing its been hot the last week mid 90s

If you took the time to read all this and give me some good feedback ill +rep I know im typing a shitload haha



Well-Known Member
heres a couple more pics and some stuff i left out. I only give nutes after the plants get rain so salts dont build up. Also i live in upper michigan, the U.P. of michigan that is. And the plants recieve a weekly spray of neem oil.



I will be honest an say im a total n00b so my advice is probably pointless (lol), but mine droop like that when they are thirsty, as for the leaf dryin up i have no idea.

Hope u get em sorted!!!!


i agree, mine do the same thing, droopy when dry. Rain could be weighing them down too. Do you water them on your own or do they just get natural rain?

They look like they could use some fertilizing too, could be a bit darker green w/ some extra NPK. I'm pretty new to this too though. They look a little pale which is sign of Nitrogen def and they look like they're praying too which could be Mag def. The fact that the lower leaves are yellowing and dying off is a both a natural process of the plant when switching to flower (which yours seem to be doing) and a sign that they're using up all their available nitrogen. How much light do they get, is it full sun? Part Shade. I have some part shaded outdoor girls and I give them Plant Amp & Mag Amp from Cutting Edge Sol. Plant amp is straight calcium and a great foliar spray for part shade situations and mag amp will help with the praying. You could try an organic tea for the NPK w/ things like Worm Castings, Blood/Bone Meal, Bokashi, Guanos or a number of other things, but careful if using Guanos b/c they can get pretty heavy pretty quick.

Outdoor plants gobble up nutrients so they should be applied usually once a week. I've been feeding my plants every time I water. They're in 100gal pots so I do 5gal straight water to soak the base and then 5gal of Cutting Edge Feeding regimine plus foliars every 5-7 days and I haven't noticed any burning at all. Plants are SUPER healthy.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
They DO need tons of water at that size, but I don't think that's the whole problem. I had an outdoor strain that HATED anything above 90 degrees at high humidity. Heat stress is a possibility. Also, In my own humble opinion, the pots are a bit small. The roots are probably filling those pots right up and drinkin all that water quiick.....actually, on second look, the pots should be ok.......hmm, how fast does the water drain? Too fast and they get underwatered....too slow, and they are overwatered......both cause droop if I'm not mistaken.
i have a plant that size and if i dont give it at least a gallon every 1-2 days it gets too dry. they only look like that when they really need water. Id say its a combo of not enough water (did you increase the amount of water youve been giving them as they got bigger?) and the high heat. that would explain the drooping and color changes


Well-Known Member
Ok, i figured the pots should be large enough to sustain 6 ft plants easily with proper nutes. I'm going to cut the time between watering and watering with nutes down a day or 2 and see if they show improvement. ill post some new pics shortly


Well-Known Member
oh and they get direct light for almost the entire day minus an hour or two in the morning and night. where they are placed they have PLENTY of sun


Well-Known Member
Ok only reason this last week i slacked on watering is ive been putting vinyl siding on a house and roofing it so i havent had time.

Question: I just gave them 2 tsp per gal of grow big today and now were getting a good rain. When should I give them the grow big again, after they dry from the rain? my normal watering cycle was 2 gal between the 3 of them once a week then the rain takes care of the rest of them. how much more should I give them seeing as they are geting big and thirsty. Should I bring 3 gallons and give a gall to each one from now on?


Well-Known Member
another quick question. the plants showed freflowers but it doesnt look to me like they have started flowering yet, i see no masses of white hairs at all. but they showed sex a month ago should i have them on the bloom ferts right now or still on the grow big?


Well-Known Member
i feed my girls a gallon every two days they are about three feet tall in five gallon buckets and they point to the sky


give them bloom nutes after they've shown you they're in full bloom. Pre-flowering is a good time to do a "transition" mix. Usually the nutrient company gives a feeding schedule that includes a "Transition" stage.

Don't be afraid to load them up either. Plants like that outside in full sun will suck up nutrients like CRAZY. Mine I have outside are in 100gal pots and every time I water, which is about once a week, I give them 5gal or so of straight water and then 5gal of fertilizer solution and they're super healthy looking with no signs of burning, toxicity or deficiency. You're probably watering more frequently b/c they're in smaller pots so you should be giving them nutes AT LEAST once per week.

What sort of nutes are you using?


Well-Known Member
We had some hard rain and I checked on them today and they look MUCH better. So underwatering/heat was definately the main problem. They are not in full flower yet and im suprised because its nearly september and it gets COLD here next month. Im worried. I gave them veg nutes last week and gave them bloom nutes when I went there today. I'm going to do 1 tsp of each until they are in full flower which BETTER be soon. I will post some new pics up soon thanks for all the input