Hey MP,
were you able to figure all this out. In general I do a two week flush. straight tap water, but I still keep my pH levels around 5.5. I do this because I assume that there is still nutes in the plants, and keeping the pH level constant will help them to finish using up what ever is left. I don't know if this is true or not, but it makes sense in my mind. heheh.
yeah, I'd say 10 weeks is long enough for flowering. My white rhino strain loves 10 weeks. NO LESS for them here. That's what I've learned, and I don't mind letting them go that long. I'm about to move one of the bag seed plants in to the flower room tonight. I'll take pics. It's fuckin huge now dude!!! I can't believe it's growth rate. It seems to grow 4 to 5 inches a night. amazing.
as for curing, well.... that's a hard subject. I personally just let my plants hang dry in the dark. generally it takes a week to 9 days. 10 at the most and they are as dry as I want them to be. I then take them out of the dark and put them in to a plastic bag. I close the bag, and then open it 4 or 5 times a day (basically burping it) letting out the old air and letting in new fresh air... This seems to finish the curing process well for me. I do this for the next few days, until I'm satisfied with the smell and dryness. A good test is to take a stem and try to break it. It should make a crisp "snap" when you do. That's perfect dryness!!! But ya know, there is so much literature on the web for how to dry and then cure your pot... I'd say just do some reading (tho you probably already have, know you), and then try some methods out until you find one that works well for you. I can say this: If done incorrectly, you will lose the beautiful smell that comes with well grown weed. I learned that from my first tries at drying and curing (I tried to dry it too quickly). Instead of smelling skunky, it smelled like fresh grass, or something like it. But not like pot. I like my weed to stink! My current method for drying and then curing seems to keep the smell, and that makes me and other people who smoke it happy.

Slow and steady wins the race. That seems to be true for every aspect of growing good pot! heheh. Patience... it can be a bitch sometimes, but can also make all the difference in the world.
Good luck to ya bro. I'm sure that you'll figure out your method. You're a great grower!