You know you are right i could have just put the Blue Cheese in a solo cup hempy and I'm sure it would have done fine, the main reason i put the Blue Cheese in the rock wool was because i figured it would be something to protect the root system and that it might help to discourage the kind of root massacre that happened last time i also thought it would help get the roots threw the period of time in which they were thirsty and trying to reach the reservoir. I also did it as some what of an experiment this is the first time I've ever used rock wool so i figured it would be better to try it on the plant i don't care about first rather than the White Russian, the plant is still alive it just looks even more stressed than it did before.
I have 2 seeds germinating in rock wool and will defiantly be taking your advice leaving them alone and allowing them time to build a proper root system before i transplant them, I've been on a real roll screwing things up lately i shouldn't have tried doing a reveg so soon i just didn't realize how much would like the plant until it was to late, my veg cab also still isn't complete lol, fuck i wish i had some space to work my set up is confined to such a small area, that it really makes things difficult some times.