My 2013 craigslist medical spring garden!


Well-Known Member
Just mediacated out in the garden n took pics of the furthest along.
Fruity chronic juice, afwreck, royal purple kush and bull ryder


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! I've been considering buying those tomato cages and trying them on my indoor, how are they working for you ? Are they too big to stick into a 5g prunepot ?


Well-Known Member
Those look great! I might pull 5 of mine today in the greenhouse to get ready for summer.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! I've been considering buying those tomato cages and trying them on my indoor, how are they working for you ? Are they too big to stick into a 5g prunepot ?
Not sure if that helps, don't know of the prunepot sizes. They have a 2 ft extension I believe as well.


Well-Known Member
La con and maui wowie. Feds raided some hydro shops here in san diego county. Thought obama would repect our rights. I mean hydro shops?


Well-Known Member
Do you have anymore info on the Hydro shop raids ? what for and what stores ? Any links ? Im curious what they dream't up .


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to post links w/ phone. 1 was called santee hydroponics and the other 1 was in mirimar. I just did a search of the 1st one and it popped up. Try santee hyedroponics raided by dea. Hope that helps!


Active Member
i just readup on the SD story. May be possible that the owner was caught up in more shit, I hope not. Because that will be another negative hash mark on our side. But i guess we are all hashmarks to the d3@


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to post links w/ phone. 1 was called santee hydroponics and the other 1 was in mirimar. I just did a search of the 1st one and it popped up. Try santee hyedroponics raided by dea. Hope that helps!
wow ! I've been to santee a few times. I'll search. thanks.


Well-Known Member
lol wow. haven't done much strolling around on the site lately but I didn't even realize this was ur thread ha! so subbed!!!! lookin great bro!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got those and another called pennywise I will run indoor when I get where ever I am going. Supposed 2 be super high cbd and thc. Got that cause a bought a ton of his gear. But he was chill anyhow. Giving out prerolls that had somesort of concentrate, and free dabs not sure what was so baked. I loaded up on a ton of gear from every1 there in case I leave the state I will be good for a while!
hey I got one of them seeds from you. I might just start it too. but high in CBD and THC? that sounds kinda contradicting as CBD takes away from the psychoactive effects of THC... HHmmmmm sprouting it right now. lol