My 2008 Grow Has begun ... :)


Well-Known Member
Just want to record the fact that some of the ladies are showing pre-flowers now ... the OZ indica started showing a couple of weeks ago ... she will be an early harvest ... the hermie has yet to show any balls ... the pre-flowers are starting to show ... the SSHZ has buds starting to form ... I was hoping she would get bigger but so far so is 3ft ... I'm using guano to feed them once a week ... we are getting a lot of rain so I don't think there will be any danger of over feeding ... I've decide to keep feeding despite the rain ... we get enough dry days so the rain isn't hurting them ... I made the mistake of not feeding enough last year and my yield from a 6ft plant was 2.5 oz ... this year ... feed ...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Oh come now ... I know someone who has grown outdoors has experience a lot of rain ... can't you give me an idea what to expect?


Well-Known Member
put a good thick layer of mulch ofer your roots, it will help keep out all the rain water......and it gets moisture overnight to give to the plants....i use lawn clippings, they work great........and unless your crop is in a flood plain or an area where water will pool, you should be good. we were having terential downpours for close to 4~days....IMHO the mulch saved my plants.

looking nice man, GL and happy harvest.


Well-Known Member
As long as the roots aren't drowning, let it rain. If they seem to be flooding, mulch it up tight like was suggested. Your plants are looking nice and strong, and if they're not flooding, I wouldn't worry too much about all the rain until the temps start to drop off and the buds start to form. Then its time to keep an eye out for dreaded bud rot. At that point in time, if its convenient at all, it would be worth it to give 'em a visit after the heavy rains to shake some of the accum'ed water out. They're all looking great in the pics, so the feeding regimen seems to be working out for you! On my end of Canada we're getting a lot of the same constant rain, but at this point I haven't had any setbacks because of it, fought off some slugs, but other than that it's just been a lot less water hauling this year! Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks ... so give me the low down on the slugs ... I've seen some on my ladies ... they are bad for them? I need to get them off?

Oh and just for the record I fed the ladies today ... the guano ... hopefully they will turn a nice green in a couple of days ... if not ... going to increase the feeding ... bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

I am getting a lot of sun leaves turning yellow ... eventually they died ... are you guys experiencing the same thing?


Well-Known Member
Put some 1/2 cups of beer next to your plants they will crawl in and drown,this works great :mrgreen:,In a day or two you'll be surprised how many slugs are in there:peace:


Well-Known Member
Beer? ... are you sure about that? I sure would hate to waste the beer ... well ... I guess I can sacrifice one can for the cause ... I'll let you know how it turned out ... in the mean time ... more pictures of the ladies ... notice how some of them are pale ... I fed them yesterday with some guano tea ... I used about 1 tablespoon per gallon and let in soak in water in a stocking for about three days ... 10-1-1 and 1-10-1 ... guano ...
Check it ...

This is the hermie many told me to get rid of ... as you can see ... no balls ... I'm sure if there were going to be some I would have found them by now ...

Another close shot Swt#3

Long shot
See all the yellow leaves? ... Seems like it's a bit too early for that ... like I said ... I fed them yesterday ...

Big Bud Close shot
See ... pale ...

Long shot Big bud

Blockhead X Love Potion #1
It doesn't look like I'm going to get a good yield from these ladies this year ... again ... :cry:

Chesse X Fox47
Pale as well ...

Long shot same plant

Bag Seed
This is a close up shot ... the buds are just starting to form on many of these ladies ... I'm expected a mid Oct- harvest ... last year it was mid-sept.!:confused:

Long shot bagseed

Close up Electric Blue
She is just starting to form buds ... another 6 weeks? What say you?

Second Electric Blue

Love Bud
See ... kinda pale ...

Long shot same plant
See ... notice all the yellow sun leaves ...

Northern Lights close-up
Here again ... the lady is a bit pale ...
Is it too much rain? ... or not enough food? :-?

Here's a long shot same plant
Check out the sun leaves ...

OZ indica
Now the OZ indica is doing well ... she started to flower in last July ... I think she will be ready by labor day ... what say you? ...:neutral: I'm hoping she will be a good yielder ...

Another close shot

Long shot

Super Silver Haze
I was hoping this lady would get really tall, but she didn't ... I don't think she will do too much growing during flowering ... she's just over 3 feet ... here again I don't expect a great yield ... hopefully over an ounce ...
but here again ... somewhat pale ... hopefully I will see an improvement in color by the weekend ... fed them yesterday with the guano ... so I should see something by then ...

Long shot

and there you have it ... let me know what you think ... not enough food or too much rain?:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
not too sure i got crap eye sight but ut may be a nitrogen defeciency. are the leaves that are turning yellow starting from the bottom of the plant and working there way up? how big did you dig your holes?


Well-Known Member
My holes were dug 3 foot deep ... and I have them a foot below the ground to ensure they get all the water in case of drought conditions, and to keep their height down. Yeah ... most of the yellow are the lower sun leaves, but it's working it's way up ... If there isn't any improvement tomorrow ... haven't seen them yet today ... I will give them some MG ... then increase the guano to 3 tablespoons per gallon ... bongsmilie:eyesmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Update: 2 Sept ... well folks the ladies are doing much better now ... I gave them some MG for veg ... and some MG for bloom ... they are turning a nice green ... the OZ indica will be ready in a week or so ... will take a final picture before harvest ... my guess is that I will get an OZ or more from her ... at least I hope so ... the EB and the bag seed weed are just now starting to get buds ... I figure they won't be done until mid Oct ... the SSHZ is has gotten nice and green ... even though I put it in late ... I think it will be done early Oct ... if not sooner ... will put up more pictures when I can ...