My 2 autoflowers are flowering and looking sick im new to this help please

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Photos help a lot, but with out detailed information on the conditions and such, you will only get guess's.

What kind of soil, what type of nutrients and amounts fed and how often, PH level, temps the whole package.


Photos help a lot, but with out detailed information on the conditions and such, you will only get guess's.

What kind of soil, what type of nutrients and amounts fed and how often, PH level, temps the whole package.
Before i get into what im using let me just say i just repotted these plants into bigger pots maybe that can be the issue but what do i no.....Im using fox farm ocean forest for soil..... for nutrients im using Dyna gro and dyna bloo. when i water them i use half a tea spoon of dyna grow and bloom together for each gallon temps are around 88 86 when the light is on at night it goes down to 76 75.. and i water them every day but i havent waterd them yet since i reppoted them yesterday becuase the soil is still a little moist for ph levels i really dont no what ratio it should be at. and im using a 250 watt mh about 6 inches away


Legal Moderator, Esq.
OK. A. you water too often, you never water them every day. That gives you a shallow root system. You also shouldn't be feeding them every day. Your temps are on the high side, and I'm thinking you are getting some heat problems. I would have said root lock in those small containers, but it sounds more like you just don't have root support. There's a whole bunch of stuff that could be wrong. Vent them a little better so the temps go below 85 during the day, water at most every 3 days, I'd suggest transplanting but I have a feeling your leaves feel dry yes? So stick to whatcha got. Autos flower fast so you may be able to squeeze by. Good luck.


OK. A. you water too often, you never water them every day. That gives you a shallow root system. You also shouldn't be feeding them every day. Your temps are on the high side, and I'm thinking you are getting some heat problems. I would have said root lock in those small containers, but it sounds more like you just don't have root support. There's a whole bunch of stuff that could be wrong. Vent them a little better so the temps go below 85 during the day, water at most every 3 days, I'd suggest transplanting but I have a feeling your leaves feel dry yes? So stick to whatcha got. Autos flower fast so you may be able to squeeze by. Good luck.
should i flush them?? will that do any good


also when i feed my plants am i supposed to put nutes every feeding or only add the nutes once in the gallon and feed them that way

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You just repotted into a larger pot. Fox Farm soils have nutrients in them. I am not an expert with Fox Farm soils, But I would think you would not have to feed them for 3-4 weeks, then just every 3rd to 4th watering.
I grow in Coco Coire because these kinds of trouble. Coco has zero nutrients in it. I never add manure or perlite or anything. I can water and feed my plants 5 times a day with no troubles. Just a big waste of money though. I have heard a lot of people saying very good things about the soil you are useing, but you have to allow the plant to use up all the nutrients in the soil before you start feeding them. I have known people that have done an entire 3 month long crop with MG soil with out feeding their plants one time.

I have always said that new growers biggiest mistake is to Love their plants to death.