My 1st time growning (Hydrowholesale Tent)


Active Member
My 1st grow I have upgraded since I have bought my kit.

I have:

-A 4x4x7 grow tent with a 400 watt HPS.

-A basic bat wing reflector.

-400 watt switchable HPS/MH Ballast by EconoGro.

-4 x 4 canadian flood table

-40 gallon reservoir and lid

- a 4" inline S & P fan

-Can Carbon air filter

:idea: It's a basic set-up from ( Code=HHSTD2&Category_Code=CHGK)

I added a few upgrades myself:

-1 large oscillating fan.

-Large Air cooled sun reflector with lens.

-2 Mini clip fans.

:???: I want to add a better outline fan to move air out faster. Any Suggestions? :???:

Also, I am trying to figure out how to make a better feeding schedule. I feed via ebb & flow 3 times a day now. I induced flowering 11 days ago and the girls are loving it. However, I am speaking about my vegetating food. I go by the basic Natures nectar schedule, but am confused to whether or not this mix and feed schedule is sufficient. CAN ANYBODY HELP??! :hug:

Here are the girls (I'll take better Pictures soon):




Any feedback will help! Thank You!!!


Well-Known Member, are those over watered?? What kind of medium are you flooding in??

":???: I want to add a better outline fan to move air out faster. Any Suggestions? :???:"
You mean as in exaust?? Link didn't take me to your tent, and I didn't really look too hard. Doesn't it come with the vent openings to run ducting to??
So you are using Natures Nectar nutes? What's your current ppm and pH?
What strain are you running?

Well, it sounds like you have the makings for a nice grow!! We most surely wish you luck and there are lots of growers to help with your questions>

Great Luck to you!


Active Member
We put them in rock wool cubes. They started off as clones and we transplanted them into bigger cubes. They might be over watered, I honestly thought they where under watered. I feed them 2 times a day for 10 minutes.

Any suggestions??


Active Member
They did have deficiencies before like I said, I added all of the necessary secondary and micro nutrients. However, since they where stressed for so long, it seems like the structure suffered the most. I have already started flowering them, and they seem happier than they where in vegetative.


Well-Known Member
They did have deficiencies before like I said, I added all of the necessary secondary and micro nutrients. However, since they where stressed for so long, it seems like the structure suffered the most. I have already started flowering them, and they seem happier than they where in vegetative.
well they look too humid in that case... maybe ph but doubt it


Active Member
The pH stays at 7.5. The ppm comes up as 896 but I believe natures nectar can't be read on a ppm indicator (both constant and other) according to the research I did. Even in all of the 6 catalogs I read says it can't be read directly from the product description.

This is the tent I have. I have exhaust on it, but its a cheap ducting fan that pulls through a charcoal filter. I probably don't need an upgrade for my exhaust, but I'm just making sure I got everything done right.

I have Jack the Ripper and Sensi Star dominantly. I put 2 purple kush clones in as well.

I'm sure I should have stuck with 1 strain, but I couldn't find enough of the same strain. So I decided to buy the most of the same possible.

Thanks for your feedback "growinman" and the rest of you, it really does help!

Regards & happy Growing!,



Active Member

I was considering buying this drying tent to aid the harvesting process. Here's the product description:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Protect your harvest with the Ultimate Herb Dryer! We have filled the 42” x 42” x 7” Hydro Grow tent with the expandable Drynet, a Sun Blaze 2’ Fluorescent, Carbon Filtration system, fan, thermometer/hygrometer, & necessary accessories for the largest, most economic dryer around.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]Price: $399.99





Active Member
I thought it was a possible salt build up in the rock wool, so I have been flushing them all with 7.5 pH filtered water by hand. As for humidity, it stayed at 70 until I induced flowering. Then I lowered the humidity to 55.


Well-Known Member
there you go...........pH needs to be 5.8 or your going to have all kinds of problems.....did your treat or condition the rw at all?? You only want the rw damp-not soaked......should be able to tell from weight?


Active Member
Before we transplanted, we soaked the rw in neutral ph water. Yeah, it is pretty soaked. maybe that was the problem. The pH too. Thanks man, I really appreciate it! As soon as I get new pics, I'll show you the flowering.

