My 1st organic grow... pics & setup!


Well-Known Member
It's referred to as foxtailing and I've never heard of it as a sign of hermi. From what I've seen it's a genetic trait or caused my massive light stress (essentially reverting to veg temporarily and then going back to flower), flowering far far too long (again essentially reverting the plant back to veg), excess N late in flower, or excess heat. From the looks of yours I would guess it is just genetic.


Well-Known Member
It's referred to as foxtailing and I've never heard of it as a sign of hermi. From what I've seen it's a genetic trait or caused my massive light stress (essentially reverting to veg temporarily and then going back to flower), flowering far far too long (again essentially reverting the plant back to veg), excess N late in flower, or excess heat. From the looks of yours I would guess it is just genetic.
That would explain alot , nice post gastanker...


Well-Known Member
I should throw in that with the excess N, light stress, and flowering too long you usually see single pron fan leaves in abundance. This is why I assume it is just genetic.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear!!! I don't see them growing anymore so what I see is what I will get... I so hope to get a total of 10 oz, unless the BM decide to get another growth spurt, maybe I ll get more! How about you Gastanker, getting close to getting you dry weight!?


Well-Known Member
I wish... I'm thinking one more day and then I'll buck them off the branches and screen dry for another 2-3days. At that point I can take dry weight but it still won't be cured weight.

The branch I cut early I estimated at 7 grams and it ended up at 7.8 so I'm thinking my estimate of 8-10oz will be fairly accurate.


Well-Known Member
I took a few samples tonight, in the end I got them all mixed up but I cut a few of the lower branch and popcorn bud from each plant, as far as I could reach without touching any of the main branches, except one from the AK and one from the Grapefruit that were slightly over the screen, and once trim it's a bit disappointing how small the AK was. But overall there is a fair amount of weed on those babies!!! Once dry those samples should be a total of about 4grams dry, and I started my collection of sugar leaves for the hash I will make once everything is harvested. Everything that I just cut is being water cured, that way I will know whether or not I like this method of curing before I harvest everything. I might wait 7 more days before I cut the Grapefruit and the AK. But I would like to keep taking samples every other day, would this affect the rest of the plants? (in terms of health and maturing) That's about it for now, I hope all of you enjoy the pre harvest pics!



Well-Known Member
Not going to make them super happy but I can't imagine them getting too upset either ;) Buds look great! Super frosty.


Well-Known Member
ok, one down!! I had a hard time to resist taking the Grapefruit down as well, maybe tonight, or tomorrow, or whatever... now I ll have something to smoke when I run out. The AK had roughly 70-80% milky trichs and about 20-30% clear and the odd amber. The problem with the AK is that all the fan leaves had died, and now the tip of the leaves on the buds were also turning yellow so I think I had to take it down. The Grapefruit seem to be more like 90-100% milky trichs but no amber. I looked only at the one big bud I can actually look at. It's not as bad as the AK and but some of the small leaves on the buds are also starting to turn yellow. Anyway, according to the breeders, I harvested the AK in the harvesting window at day 52 (breeders call: 45-55days) while the Grapefruit is calling for 56 days, so the 10th. The Blue mystic is supposed to be ready around the 14th.

On the pics, you see 212grams of wet buds, but there was also about 40 grams of wet that I harvested the day before + 18 grams water curing plus a little more that I still had to trim after the pic was taken... So I would say that the AK had almost 300grams of wet buds, but that includes a lot of stems and a lot of fluffy popcorn bud (it will make good hash, the leaves are so frosty) Sometimes the lower buds would be made of frosty leaves only with no bud matter so anyway... I think I will get the 2 oz of good bud I was hoping to get from this one, I doubt that I will get 8oz out of the other 2 but we will see! Does it look like 2 oz of buds on that screen? It looks like it to me but who knows how much they are going to shrink!!


Here is a few older pics from the grow, you can see that the AK was way behind the other 2 late in October (it's the one in the middle front), I didnt think I would get so much from this plant originally, ... so happy ending...



Well-Known Member
Looks great!!! Congrats on the cut. Looks like 2oz to me but even more important it looks like some really chronic stuff.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieI love the "four twenty" on the can haha.......sweet n sour has arrived , i would say on the screen will dry to between 2-3 oz, good quality dank, well done umbre


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks! over 2 oz would be nice, I realise now to even get .5g per watts of light is really good!! 10oz would be .35grams per watt for me on this grow... I do waste a bit of light on the edge of the room. Lots of room for improvements. Still I will make sure to know the total dry wait for the the 3 plants when I am all done. the 420 beer is my cheap favorite this winter (8$per 6pack), the Faceplant is my expensive favorite!!(12$per6pack) both breweries are in BC, supporting local economy as much as I can.


Well-Known Member
We get nothing like that in the uk , its all commercial bollocks ,
i agree its good to be able to get your grams/watt up , and i am sure you could with different strains that grow bigger , grapefruit and ak smoke pure awesomeness , look at the quality of those nuggs , i wonder if it would be that way on the "bigga bloomers", im not so sure.....Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
You're doing great! Forget g/w. Most people aim for a lb per 1kW light with a reasonable veg which is .448g/w - what really matter is g/kWh and most people claiming they get 1g/w veg for 8-12 weeks which is the same as two grows, both with a 3 week veg. 1g/w with a 12 week veg is equivalent to .5g/w with a 3 week veg...



For a first grow with a short veg time you are doing great. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Well-Known Member
You are of course right , that is the length of 2 grow periods , it's sound when someone gives you a different perspective on things , Gastanker you are a world of knowledge umbre ....fair shout!


Well-Known Member
The room looks a little different without the AK. I think I will easily get at least 6 oz from the 2 last girls standing. I got 4 plants in my LED dresser as well that are 12/12 from seeds, I will know their sex any day now, so 9 potential female plants for the next grow, they are all under 12/12 now, the last 3 went 12/12 yesterday, the other 6 were all 12/12 from seeds. I am hoping for 6 females, if I don't get that many I might take one out of the LED cabinet. Anyway, I will not harvest the Grapefruit yet, not quite ready and not quite as yellow as the AK was. Enjoy the pics, I took another shot of the screen with a lighter in the middle to give a different perspective. I will update pics again in a few days when I harvest the Grapefruit.



Well-Known Member
I had a dehumidifier running all night in that room where the buds are drying (my basement is high humidity) but they are drying too fast for optimal drying, anyway, a bud that weigh 28grams early yesterday is now 14grams!! they have already shrunk so much!!! I will certainly not be over 2 oz once dry with the AK. The more it dries the better it looks though. 2-3 more days for the Grapefruit, it's massive!!


Well-Known Member
I had a dehumidifier running all night in that room where the buds are drying (my basement is high humidity) but they are drying too fast for optimal drying, anyway, a bud that weigh 28grams early yesterday is now 14grams!! they have already shrunk so much!!! I will certainly not be over 2 oz once dry with the AK. The more it dries the better it looks though. 2-3 more days for the Grapefruit, it's massive!!
Watching bud dry was one of my biggest lessons. I had no idea how much mass they lost - pretty nuts huh?