My 1st organic grow... pics & setup!


Well-Known Member
cool ! thanks, when I have a minute sometime within the next week I am planning on raising the lights, and get it there with scissor, and cut a bunch of good leaves,... I don't like doing it but the plants are so bushy that I think it might be a problem later... like I keep tucking leaves under the screen and soon enough I got like 3-4 leaves all stack over the top of each other...

It's my first time scroggin and I think that I was not patient enough, so as soon as I could tuck a branch further, I would do it even though it wouldnt get much light anymore .. then it would stop growing and new shoots were coming out. Now I realise that I have to let it grow 3 inches above the screen so that when I tuck it further, it's long enough to be pointing the light instead of just being held down ... do you know what I mean? anyway, next time around I will do things differently, ... but for now I am not sure whether or not I should let them veg much longer because I Can already see the BM in the corner running out of room! I am trying to redirect the other 2 away from it... Anyway, I should get some buds out of those plants thats for sure!


Well-Known Member
Deffo , and i got what you meant , i have never scrogged yet , however i am at the mo building 1 into a small closet , im gonna use a 250w hps , when its built will show you the pics , only reason i said about the leaves is from your wicked pics , im no expert , but when im sure about something i try to pass it on , your plants will really like having cool fresh air under as well as above the canopy , s'all looking good though man , should be a good new year :)


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking great!

Regarding the removal of ugly leaves - if the leaf has a disease remove it pronto. If the leaf is more than 50% yellow you can remove it as well.

If the leaf is just a bit ugly leave it be. Lower leaves contain mobile nutrients such as nitrogen. When the plant requires more of a mobile nutrient than it can supply from the soil it uses the nutrients in the lower leaves. Once the lower leaves are no longer functionally beneficial to the plant due to giving up nutrients, cessation occurs where the phloem and xylem of the leaf are severed and the leaf naturally falls off - this typically starts to occur when the leaves are more than 50% yellow.

Promoting airflow is always great though.

Your plants are super fucking stocky. I bet the individual nugs and colas are going to be huge. My plants will pop up a buncha nugs but I'm guessing quite a bit smaller.


Well-Known Member
Thanks gastanker for the input about leaves. Next grow things are going to be a lot different! I have no room to care for my ladies! especially the BM in the corner!! They are doing really well since the transplant, you can see a picture of them the day I transplanted, I believe 7-8 days ago, and a few pictures of what they look like now.

I would say that your plants are going to be much bigger under the 1000W Gas but thanks for the compliment! I am worry that they are a little bit too bushy, but at the same time I cannot wait to see all those bud sites developing!

I am thinking of flipping tonight now because I am worry it`s gonna get out of control , unfortunately one side of the screen is going to be almost empty, I ll have a few clones that I will bring up to the screen and I am hoping that once they start flowering that they will take up a bit of that space.

They have been growing so slowly since the beginning but now they really seem to be taking off!!

I was going to wait for my conversion bulb before flipping but I don`t think it`s going to make much of a difference at the beginning so tonight is the night! COOL

BEFORE (a week ago)






Well-Known Member
Keep in mind the crazy 2 weeks of growth they go through at the start of flower. If you keep the training up you can likely fill most of that screen. Huge difference between before transplant and now - its amazing how much of a boost more new soil can give to a plant.


Well-Known Member
this is so unfair Gas, your 30 days veg looks bigger than my 56 days veg! your grow is coming along nice!

I post pone the flip one more day... the light is going off for 12 hours for the first time in 5 minutes! And the 2 plants in my dresser are slowly starting to bud... the only problem with the dresser is it's my bedroom, and there is no way I can run the fan during dark period (girlfriend!) and when I get up in the morning the humidity is above 70... so 40 in the day time and 70ish at night, ... am I going to run into problem? I tried to put the DampRid last night for the dark period but it didnt do a thing. One thing though is because the summer is over I cannot find a freakin small fan anywhere! so there is no ventilation other than exhaust intake for now! thanks,

Yeah, I think my plants really like the room, ~10g/plant is a nice ratio. I think you're underestimating your plants though - they are looking great!

Ah, the loud fan/gf problem. I've been there myself too many times. You could buy a small dehumidifier or just not worry about it. Bud rot and powdery mildew are the top threats when flowering with high humidities - unless you're colas are huge I wouldn't worry about bud rot, pm can be prevented by keeping up air movement. Get some small circular fans to just circulate air - no need for the air to enter/exit the enclosure.

I typically ignore my humidity levels and have decent results.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get a small circular fan, but its the right season to find them!! I cant find them anywhere right now, homedepot, candian tire, walmart, thrift stores... I may have to order one online!


Well-Known Member
no pics on this update, I just want to remember the day I flip to 12/12, so they just slept for 12 hours from 8am to 8pm, and from 8pm to 8am the 15th is their first 12 hours day. So is today day 1 or the 15th is? not that it really matter just curious as to how people count it...they look really nice, it`s gonna be loaded with bud sites!! I will try to let them grow some more before the next batch of pics!!

bob stine

alfalfa meal+ fish emulsion is phenomenal i think you only really need the 2 of these to rebuild soil after a grow (of course i add amendments later as needed)
Make sure to add a load of bacteria - grab some good active compost tea perhaps. Peat moss is fairly inert and organic nutrients must be mineralized (processed by bacteria) before they can be used by the plant. I would also suggest adding a carbon source to help facilitate the mineralization process - perhaps some alfalfa meal or even just some straw or backyard humus.

Looks good so far, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
I just ordered 2 of those exact same fans, should get them within a week... I have been told to avoid hydro store... mind you, you gotta be careful with the mail too! The woman at the post office today said to me, you owe me 23$ on here... I say what!! what is it I must have paid 80$ shipping already, then she look at the box and says, sunset hydroponics... luckily nobody was in line and she probably had the laugh of the day in her head... but she doesnt give a fuck, that sucks anyway.


Well-Known Member
Growing Marijuana is a small part of Hydroponics world , i would't worry about it , i use those fans , they are good in my opinion , 2 speed , easy to hang and aim where you like.....


Well-Known Member
My plants are really loving life... anyone know what would happen if I just let them grow without touching them at all anymore? like no more cutting, .. is it too bushy? it's so hard to get to the "BM in the corner, I am thinking of just letting them grow through the screen a little and raise my lights ,.. I still got about 2feet to play with my lights. any input here would be appreciated!

1 more question: what is the minimum temps the room can be in dark period? last night when the light went on it was 55f ... but it's gonna get a little colder outside, should I consider a little heater or over 50 I am good>?

I don't think it will take too long for those flowers to explode, the plants are very healthy and I am very content with the grow so far.



Well-Known Member
My plants are really loving life... anyone know what would happen if I just let them grow without touching them at all anymore? like no more cutting, .. is it too bushy? it's so hard to get to the "BM in the corner, I am thinking of just letting them grow through the screen a little and raise my lights ,.. I still got about 2feet to play with my lights. any input here would be appreciated!

1 more question: what is the minimum temps the room can be in dark period? last night when the light went on it was 55f ... but it's gonna get a little colder outside, should I consider a little heater or over 50 I am good>?

I don't think it will take too long for those flowers to explode, the plants are very healthy and I am very content with the grow so far.

Hey man looking good , i think the main reason for pruning/cutting is to allow the lower Bud sites to recieve light , to cut away dead and wilted growth and to evenly spread the canopy , this is still possible late on via bending , i kept the 1 Blue mystic that i topped , no idea how it will turn out but 6 main cola points have stretched out ....
Never let them go below 15*c- 59*f ever man , all production stops and they could die over prolonged periods........


Well-Known Member
really you go with 59!? I read 50 and 40 in 2 different thread hehe... I also heard that they love the cold during flowering! I mean in September and October around where I live the temps at night goes down way below 15 and people still get good outdoor harvest. I guess as long as it's 55F+ when the lights go on I won't bother, it might not get that much cooler... if it get worst I ll put a little heater!


Well-Known Member
Below 15 is a no no as far i am aware , but then what you say also makes sense , i know this , they work their hardest in the dark period, and under 15* production is restricted , Outdoor grown plants are norm more hardy , investigate some more .....


Well-Known Member
really you go with 59!? I read 50 and 40 in 2 different thread hehe... I also heard that they love the cold during flowering! I mean in September and October around where I live the temps at night goes down way below 15 and people still get good outdoor harvest. I guess as long as it's 55F+ when the lights go on I won't bother, it might not get that much cooler... if it get worst I ll put a little heater!
Ed says ....


Proper temperature is one highly variable factor. Most books state optimum grow temperature to be 70-80 degrees, but many list extenuating circumstances that allow temperatures to go higher. Assuming genetics is not a factor, marijuana plants seem to be able to absorb more light at higher temps, perhaps up to 90 degrees. High light and CO2 levels could make this go as high as 95 degrees for increased marijuana growth speed.* An optimum of 95 degrees is new data that assumes very-high light, CO2 enrichment of 1500 ppm and good regular venting to keep humidity down. It is not clear if these temperature will reduce potency in flowers. It may be a good idea to reduce temperatures once flowering has started, to preserve potency, even if it does reduce growth speed. But higher temperatures will make plants grow vegetatively much faster, by exciting the plants metabolism, assuming the required levels of CO2 and light are available, and humidity is not allowed to get too high.
With normal levels of CO2, in a well vented space, 90 degrees would seem to be the absolute max, while 85 may be closer to optimum, even with a great deal of light available. Do not let the room temperature get over 35 C (95 F) as this hurts growth. Optimal temperature is 27-30 C (80-86 F) if you have strong light with no CO2 enrichment. Less than 21 C (70 F) is too cold for good growth.
Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50’s will cause mild shock and 40’s will kill your plants with repeated exposure. Keep your plants warm, especially the roots. Elevate pots if you think the ground is sucking the heat out of the roots. This is an issue if you have a slab or other type of cold floor.
As temperature goes up, so does the ability of the air to hold water, thus reducing humidity, so a higher average temperature should reduce risk of fungus.
Contrary to many reports, high humidity is not good for plants except during germination and rooting. Lower humidity levels help the plant transpire CO2 and reduce risk of molds during flowering.
Studies indicate the potency of buds goes down as the temperature goes up, so it is important to see that the plants do not get too hot during flowering cycles. ? D. Gold: CO2, Temperature and Humidity, 1991 Edited by E. Rosenthal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Clonex! I remember reading this article a while back. Perhaps that may explain my slow growth as I kept the room at low 70s highs 60s since the beginning. An experienced grower once told me though that to grow really potent bud you need to keep temps at 70 max during flowering... So I hope other growers pop in and share their opinion on that matter!


Thanks gastanker for the input about leaves. Next grow things are going to be a lot different! I have no room to care for my ladies! especially the BM in the corner!! They are doing really well since the transplant, you can see a picture of them the day I transplanted, I believe 7-8 days ago, and a few pictures of what they look like now.

I would say that your plants are going to be much bigger under the 1000W Gas but thanks for the compliment! I am worry that they are a little bit too bushy, but at the same time I cannot wait to see all those bud sites developing!

I am thinking of flipping tonight now because I am worry it`s gonna get out of control , unfortunately one side of the screen is going to be almost empty, I ll have a few clones that I will bring up to the screen and I am hoping that once they start flowering that they will take up a bit of that space.

They have been growing so slowly since the beginning but now they really seem to be taking off!!

I was going to wait for my conversion bulb before flipping but I don`t think it`s going to make much of a difference at the beginning so tonight is the night! COOL

BEFORE (a week ago)

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lol greenbox, no pun intended eh ;)

nice grow bro!


Well-Known Member
lol for some reason I had this president's choice green box in my basement... don't know how I got it, ... but I didnt steal it!! By far the easiest smart pot I made, only a few holes at the bottom and some landscape fabric, voila! The soil is drying really nicely in it and it's got some size!! I would say it's probably 5+ gallons. woohoo! will post nice pics in a few days! waiting for the first flowers to show up!