My 1st journa but £rd growl


Active Member


Hello all,im quite new here and to the grow scene so but been a toker 4 eighteen yrs. fed up of been ripped off n having to search 4 shit stuff i decided to grow my own.

i hope this helps sum of you

my 1st grow:

i did 5 plants:

1:clone cheese from GH
2:white widow from dutch passion

and 3,4,5 a friend gave me and didnt no what the seeds was or iff they were evev female,so i just took pot luck,lol, as u wud say,but luckily they was female.

i used garden soil and normal tap water,didnt no bout pH's then or about soil,but ne way i used it.

As in lights,i used a energy saver 10w but gave 40w for 2wks then a 200w bulb 4 the remaing.

Seeing that this was my 1st grow i knew nothing about veg or flower times so i left them on 18/24 for 10wks,dohhhhhhhhh.
they were so big i had to bend and twist them to stop them going thru roof.

its was only when i asked a friend about light times he said that they r guna b 2 big by the flowering stage is half thru,so,i made a kind of webind accross the the walls so i cud bend them back and forth allowing me to create a vine like structure which thank god sorted me out for space.

i then carried on using no nutes just normal tap water till day b4 choppin.

i chopped them and only the cheese and widow were worth smoking. I knew nothing about trichromes or the colour they should b till my next grow,but lukily the cheese n widow were were gr8,duno y or how but gr8,the others i should of ditched and did in the end,a total waste of electricity and time,but it was my own fault cuz i had seeds a knew nothing about what they was.

Ne way i then dried them in my wardrobe for 10 days and then when they were crispish i put them in a container(airtight) in the dark for 2wks.

i then got stoned to the bone for a MONTH!!!!
cheese mmmmmmmm
and the widow,dammmmmmm it bort me down.

Im sorry i have no pics for the grow and i didnt take none of the next part of this journal,but i will with this grow.



i started to look further into this and thought fu*k this time to spend a bit of dosh.

1st my seeds.
Gota b feminised less chance of dreaded male.

So straight to the net 4 info.
found a place locally that did fem seeds and took a trip down there with couple of quid i should say.

1 pack of train wreck fem(Greenhouse)
1 pack of ice fem(royalqueenseeds)
1 pack of cheese(greenhouse)
1 pack of w widow(greenhouse)

Straight down to the hydro/grow shop
3 bags of bio bizz all mix and 3 bags of bio all grow,litre of rizzotonic.
i diluted 6 ml of rizz to 2 litre of mineral water bort from sommerfield and left it in room for a gud day to get to temp,which i found out is an important factor.
Fed it that solution for 5 days and roots were appearing out bottom of pot.

By the way,i forgot to mention when i was at grow shop i bort a 6800k cfl bulb kit which was a bargain,it came with a choice of bulb spectrum,power lead,plug relector and chain for under £38, and the oppiste colour bulb which fits and is the same output,for an xtra £20.So 4 under £60 u can veg and flower u fave plants wiv minimal of equipment and pennies to run it.

Plus i bort a 600w sunmaster dual spectrum hps bulb for main flower light.
Pm me n ill giv u the addy for this place.
Very friendly,stores over ther the uk and CHEAP ...
I shoulda mentioned, i germinated 2 train wreck,2 ice,1 cheese,1 widow. All 6 germinated and were in pots within 24hrs. I then gave them the rizz n water solution starting at 10ml increasing to 50ml by 5th day. Then i went to the local supermarket n bort lots n lots of bottled water.i previously had pH tested the water so i new roughly the pH was almost bang on.
i started with 50mm pots and used jiffy plugs and a bit of allgrow soil just to take up the rest of the space in the pot.
Straight under my cfl in my grow room. My grow room,which i will show pics in the nxt part of this journal,i made this room and made it so its invisible to the naked eye,so any unexpected guests do go for a wonder around my home,they arnt going to c it. What i have learned from other people,its not the bacon u hav 2 really worry about,its the jealous fuc**ers that no wot u r up2 u hav 2 worry about. U ne hav to upset 1 friend,and beleave,friends arnt friends when they no u got sum fin they want!!!
Ne way back to this....
.... my six 50mm pots,my germinated seeds,and my cfl,which i left virtually resting on top of the pots.
48 hrs later....whoopie,my 1st 2 leaves on every 1 appeared.
Right,i then move my cfl 100mm from top of plants.
by thext day i had to move it up another 20mm.
So i repoted to 125mm pots and started givin them 300mm of water. 7 days later they were into 15 litre pots,i then carried on the veg stage with this for the remainder of the six week veg i planned to do. By week 4 they were 600mm tall,i thought [email protected] guna run outa room(height wise).

So i got straight to work and set my timers and whacked them on 12/12 with my 600w.
I carried on giving them just water,and after the 1st week in2 flowering,all 6 were wall to wall. I really do recommend using the cfl for the veg stage,but only iff u have room for the flowering stage,and trust,when i whacked my 600w on for the 1st week i cudnt see floor through mass of bush.
Week2, i started them on a 1ml of hammerhead to 2 litres of water,and gave each of my ladies 500ml of it.
Like a dickhead i repotted at end of week 2. I do recommend that u repot b4 u go to 12/12,cuz i had nothing but a nitemare tryin to repot these 3foot monsters. Luckily they survived my repotting antics and started to increase the amount of hammerhead concentrate and water solution by 1ml of hammerhead extra per week flowering. by week 5 they were drinking 4ml of hammerhead and 2litres of water a DAY, EACH !!!

I no its a bit vague,but i gota jump to week 7
My ladies are now 5 feet tall. Repotted in last stage to 35 litres square kitchen swing bins lol,i was lukin for sumthing that was square ish for space conservation and had the depth and width needed.
it was roughly nov last year,bort me a microscope from maplins for under a fiver 100x magnification,went straight back to my ladies and checked them. Wow,best 4 quid i had ever spent. U cud see hairs upon the hairs wiv thc on. Cool.

I then heard about a dope show that comes to the uk.
Fcuk me! my dream come true!

I made my way there,and god,it was gr8.
I spent all day smoking my head off,seeing hot tooty from the babes n buds magazine,getting free sample of rizzla,matches,info,and just talking to the dutch people that were there.
By dinnertime me n my mate was mashed!
So we decided to have another walk round the show.
We saw a couple of guys selling cheese seeds.
Straight over there.
It was the Buddha stand.
I then purchased a pck of there blue cheese fem,and u wudnt adam and eve it he gave me a sample of his bb of cheese.Wow,cheers i said,went off sat down n skinned it up in there.
Me and my mate has never tasted anything as nice b4,ever!
I just had to go staright back over there and buy sum G-bomb and big buddha haze,and then he reached in2 his back and gave me a sample of of hisbuddha haze.
Straight back to where i sat b4 lol
rolled him up n started to toke.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
by the time i passed it on for 2s,i was battered,literally couldnt feel my feet ankles or legs,my poor mate couldnt breathe never mind look right,we are both heavy tokers but half a spliff of that each n we was fcuked!!!
I just had to ask him how it was grown,so back over i go.
He recommends nutes,nutes,nutes. I then took a flyer from him and went for another crawl,and i mean a crawl around the show again.
By 3pm not only was i fcuked,i bort pack of northern lights fem from royalqueenseeds,my selection buddha seeds,i then stummbled upon a store that was selling single fem seeds at very reasonable price.
Looked down the list they had and my eyes lit up, G13xhaze from barneys farm.
i just had to,who wudnt lol hehehehehe.
So me and my mate decide to try make it to houston station,and on the way out i decidedto read the buddhas flyrer that he gave us,as u do,i just left the building with my mate and turned the flyer over,and guess wot?
On the back there are like thumbnails of weed n growers n tokers.
I only been talking to and had a toke of the real gen buddha himself!
He's on the back showing himself in the dam in his coffeeshop tokng his grow wiv woody harrelson,n other various stars.I fort to myself,fukin hell!!! ive had a toke from him,hes gave me advice,i got his little ladies,a dream!!!
I just wish now i had my photo taken with him,and iff he reads this remember us "THE BRUMMIES" big respect to ya,defo guna be there to get sum more this year.
Best get back to subject in hand, i then began to flush for the next 14 days at a rate of 4 litres per day.
Then the glorious day of cropping arrived.
So i thought.Like a dickhead i just chopped.
the 2 train and the widow were gr8,but the other 3 i shoulda left for a week longer,cuz its has only been recently i checked this site n found out its better to have all them go cloudy b4 chopping.
I wont make that mistake on the next 1.
Gota say GH trainwreckis the biz.
Jus like it says fast n hard hitting.
Best to cure for 3 weeks in airtight jar.
I didnt get muchyield but then i gave a seed to 2 diff mates n they said they barely had an oz after curinging,so my 1.5 oz was gud enuf 4 me.
But defo guna try water curing wiv next crop.
My 3rd grow:

Seeing that i struggle for space i decided to only do 3 this time n try get the max out of them.

With this part of my journal, i will try to go into as much detail as possible.

My ladies :

1 Blue cheese (big buddha)
1 G-Bomb (big buddha)
1 Northern lights (royalqueenseeds)

All feminised.

I chose the northern cuz the2 others r 8-10 wk and the northern is 7-8 wk which i thought is a bonus,ill hav sumfin to toke while im waitin for the others.

Day1 : Germination:

3 separate containers with kitchen roll inside that i moistened with a weak rizz solution and stuck them in my airing cupboard which is about 80 degrees f.

Day 2:

My ladies have cracked.
I went to my local hardware shop and bort sum john inninns seedling potting soil which was only a couple of quid. I then went back to my ladies and started to pot them up. I aslo recomend that u get a pair of eyebrow tweezers,cuz they make it so much easier to plant a germinated seed with them than trying to man handle them.
Straight to my grow room.
Got my cfl already warming up room.
10ml of water n rizz sol. increasing it every day for the 1st week.

Day 8:

They are now having 100ml of just water, and its time to pot them on.They have 6 leaves and roots showing out bottom of pot.
I potted them into 125mm pots using the john innins soil and lowered my cfl to 25mm from top of plant.

Day 10:

Now they have coped with me repotting them and im giving them 100ml of water and having to move my light up by 10mm.

Day 15 and all my ladies are 10inches tall.
I decided to repot.
Repotted them into 3 15litre square hydro pots but this time i used Miraclegro compost.

Day 20:

Seeing that i was using my cfl and researched how they work i decided to pin down the main shade leaves out the way ofthe nodes that were there.

Day 25:

Now my ladied have gone mega bushy. I thought fcuk! theres no light getting to the bottom of the plants.
So that got me thinking.
I no people say that mylar was the way forward to reflecting,but i thought nothing better than a mirror.
So i went and got 2 decent size mirrors to c what wud happen.

Day 30:

My ladies have now doubled in hieght and in nodes.
So i started to think again about maximising my yield.
So heres what i did....
..... i got sum bin bag ties and began pinning my nodes down to expose more light to more of the plant.
Im now on 500ml of water.

Day 42:

The mirrors and pinning down has worked which u will c in the next part or to of my journal.
ive never seen so many nodes,or so thick.
masses and masses of bush and nodes,wwwhhhhhooooppppieeee
Jan 1st 09

I decided to turn them now.

Set my timers and away i go so i thought.

Jan 5th

I left them in the room with my 600w for the past 5 days on 12/12 so i had thought.
It wasnt till the same night i had noticed my light hadnt turned off!!
My timer had died.
So u can imagine,my ladies in there,under a 600w for the past 5 days on 24hr!!!!

They loved it.
They were lush green all pointing up.
Day 7 :
I now have made up a 2ml to 2 litres of water solution and started to give them 1000ml each.No sign of nute burn or stress so buzzing.

Day 8: same as day 7 but having to increase the distance of my light.

Day 10 :

Today 15/01/09

I have now increased my hammerhead solution to 3ml per 2 litres of water.

I will try and take a few pics tonight and ill put sum kind of date stamp saying "Thefarmers ladies" .
I cant promise it will work as ive tried 2 take pic b4 and all u c is wavey interferance lines,so ill try my best.
as promised a few shots of then i tuk not so long ago,10 days in2 12/12


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soz about the last but 1 pic,i must of took it upside down,its my bigest,at 44 inces tall,mmm blue .
The last pic is of my northern lights,38 inces tall.
do you guys think im doing ok?? Or is there something i can improve??? please,all comments and sugestions apprieciated
Day 11:

Jus a kwik update, my ladies are growing 2 inches per day,think im guna have 2 start bending and weaving the Blue its jus guna out grow my space. My pinning down has definatly paid off cuz all lower nodes have all had separate nodes branch out and up, and just by thickness of the branches,iff it finishes properly,i think im in 4 a bit of a treat lol.
I can have my xmas after all lol hehehehehehe

will keep you posted
Day 15 :

I started to add weights to each of the nodes 3days ago forcing the nodes horrizontally to the light.
I will check on them l8r and post sum pics of my experiment
Day 17:

sorry no pics but got sum now,i had 2 repot aand i am drastically running out of roomcheck my pics n tell me myy experiment didnt work

sorry bout the pic quality but take a look at all my tops

just hopes it finishes properly,cant wait for my next grow got sumfin special in mind


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Day 22:

Rite guys,the past 5 days ive been sitting watching my northern.
4.5 days ago i noticed a kind of rugby ball sticking under the trim leaf of the bud.
I thought fookin hell!!!!
I got a friend round who introduced me to my 1st crop n he sed that he never came across this.
I sed fook this,get my knife its going.
Not guna take risk.

i kept watch,and started to remove these saks,or so i thought.....

..... i then started 2 notice that these sak like pods were acctually the pre-flowers that the light didnt not reach.
Fook!!! ive pulled 20 to 30 of these off allready.
Im so glad i perservered with her.

Im waitin 4 new cam frm fleeeeebayso hopfully i cant post sum decent pics