My 1st Indoor Grow - 3 strains - 6 plants

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Thats one hell of a 7 headed monster thar! Reminds me of Natmoons air basket plant when it was younger. can't wait to see the monster colas she will produce! Have a good weekend! catch you later man!

:peace:peace man:peace:


Active Member
Thanks Moldy and Rope Smoker. I had company this week, and I have really been pressed to spend any quality time admiring my 3 pretty ladies. I finally snuck down to photograph them tonight and they are starting to bud out really well.

Here are tonight's pics with some developing bud shots:

The flower chamber showing all 3 ladies

Endless Sky

I lost track of which bud went with which plant, but all 3 plants are represented.



Active Member
Everything seems to be going well and the new buds continue to develop. Plant height since putting them into flower has increased from 14" to 21" in my largest plant and from 12"-20" inches in my next tallest plant.

Odors are under control with my new 275cfm inline fan and carbon filter. A few of the lowest fan leaves have turned yellow and I have pulled them off, but the rest of the plants look excellent, so I assume that a few yellow leaves on the bottom where the light is not good is normal.

Current day time highs in the flower chamber are upper 70's and dark time lows are lower 60's.

This morning's pics:

Endless Sky 20 inches tall - my earliest bloomer

Endless Sky top view

Endless Sky Bud

Northern Skunk - 18" tall - my shortest plant

Northern Skunk top view

Northern Skunk Bud

SkunkBerry - 21 inches tall - my tallest plant and latest bloomer

SkunkBerry top view

SkunkBerry Bud

I think that I am going to change my avitar to one of my bud shots since I am tired already of that damned monkey.:mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Hey Raul! Wow! They look pretty healthly to say the least. I was sitting out on my deck last night after token on my latest skunkberry grow and thought about you. Well, I think I finally got the curing down. I used a closet with a humidifier @ 45-50% RH for about a week then did the normal burp thing. I didn't have best yield but what a nice blast. Good stone, mellow, but yet somewhat "exciting". You will like it!! Take care!

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Looking the part Raul, I like the bud shots best as you can see the tricks developing.
I have just posted some similar pics on my journal. Man I can't wait to find out what the quality of my plants is like.
It's gonna take sooooo long man!!! lol


Well-Known Member
This growth stage is so exciting, these look terrific, patience is so important. Curious as to what nutes/schedule you are now using?


Active Member
Curious as to what nutes/schedule you are now using?
I am still sticking to the Fox Farm soil feeding schedule as per:

I am using the 3 primary nutrients plus the 3 suppliments to hopefully, get the high octane yields. I just use Big Bloom and water every other feeding to reduce the mineral salt build up in the coco. I am just finishing week 8 on the schedule. I am using 1/2 tsp per gallon for the suppliments. I water/feed every 3 days.
So far, I have not burned my plants.

Thanks Gardens Grow, Moldy and Caliboy for all the positive comments. I lost my camera last weekend, so it will be a few days before my new one arrives.

Everything with my grow is looking optimal. My Skunkberry is now my tallest plant at 24 inches tall. Pics will be available later on next week.


Active Member
My new camera should be delivered on Wednesday of next week, so I should have updated pics no later than Thursday.

Today, for the first time, my hands were sticky after rotating and misting my plants. This resin was so sticky and sweet smelling that I had to wash my hands twice with warm water before it came off. The leaves around the buds are getting powdery looking from lots of trichrome development. I have never noticed the powdery trichome development with my outdoor grows in the past, so I am thinking that I must be making some powerful weed!

The trichromes are developing well out onto the ends of the smaller fan leaves around the tops of the colas, so I will not be trimming these off at harvest. Previously, I always discarded all fan leaves as i never saw trics on them like this.

Impatience is very hard to endure with still at least a month to go before harvest. Last week I pinched off some of the lowest leaves and very small buds at the base of the plants that were not getting good light. I smoked them a couple of days ago and got a really good head high -- no body stone though as they were too inmature yet for that. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cant wait for those pics bro..yeah when the resin kicks in and everything gets sticky it so..kushty..hey maybe u feeding ur plant steroids..?


Active Member
Curious... you mentioned that you feed & water every 3 days or so. Do you feel this setup would allow you to head out of town for 3-5 days occasionally without worrying too much that everything will die? I am planning a setup nearly identical to yours and hope it will allow me to take my business trips.

If 5 days is pushing it water-wise, I'm thinkin I might be able to get away with it if I stick one of these into the ground. Wouldn't have nutes in it but I think that would be in a pinch if a sudden multi-day trip came up.



Active Member
Curious... you mentioned that you feed & water every 3 days or so. Do you feel this setup would allow you to head out of town for 3-5 days occasionally without worrying too much that everything will die? I am planning a setup nearly identical to yours and hope it will allow me to take my business trips.

If 5 days is pushing it water-wise, I'm thinkin I might be able to get away with it if I stick one of these into the ground. Wouldn't have nutes in it but I think that would be in a pinch if a sudden multi-day trip came up.

I think the plants are fairly water tolerant and can take more than 3 days without water and not get too stressed. You can always set your plant containers inside larger shallow containers so that an inch or so of water can soak up through the bottom of your pot if you are gone for 4 or 5 days. There are some plastic watering containers that are setup on a stake that you can stick into the soil at the edge of the pot that will keep the soil moist without over soaking for extended periods that you might be away. Also, raising you light a bit, reducing air circulation and lowering temps can also slow down evaporation while you are gone.

I was gone for 5 days at about week 2 of my grow and I just knew that my seedlings would be dead when I returned, but they were quite perky and doing well, although the soil was dry.


Active Member
I got my new camera-finally!:mrgreen: I lost my other one on a fishing trip.:cry:

I had to try out the new camera and I could not talk the wife into posing neked, so I had
to take my 3 ladies out to the hot tub for a BUD PORN Shoot!:hump:

Tell me what you think of the 3 ladies?

Endless Sky - poitrait

Endless Sky - top view

Endless Sky

Endless Sky

Endless Sky

Endless Sky

Endless Sky

Skunkberry - Poitrait

Skunkberry - top view







Trichrome Fetish - Skunkberry

Northern Skunk - Poitrait

Northern Skunk - top view

Northern Skunk

Northern Skunk

Northern Skunk

Trichrome Frenzy - Northern Skunk

I do have a serious question for the seasoned indoor growers. With my previous outdoor grows, I determined that the harvest was ready when about 2/3 of the pistols turned red. I know that a more accurate way to tell is when the trichromes turn from clear to milky. It appears to me with my current grow that the trichromes are milky already and the pistols are about 1/3 red on some of the buds. I am assuming that my closeup photos show the color of the trichs well enough since I do not have a scope.

I am only into week 5 of flowering, so I believe that I have at least 3-4 more weeks of flowering before harvest. I do seem to be closer to havest judging by the already milky color of the trichromes than
the normal schedule would suggest. What do you think? Should I consider harvesting just the more mature bud tops sooner and then let the rest of the plant mature on schedule? Hell, perhaps I am just looking for justification for pinching some early bud....patience, patience, patience!!!

Thanks for you input! :joint:


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Well-Known Member
those pictures are absolutely brilliant, are one step ahead of me..i have to change that quickly..but how?..awesome plants..i say give em those 3/4 more my inexperienced eye they dont look ready by any means..did you use the scope to tell the milkiness of ur trichs.??..once again, BRAVO:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Hi Raul,

Now I'm a bit of a newbee here but (IMO) don't harvest too soon. I let my Skunkberry's go about 8 weeks the first time and chopped the whole plant at once. Still I felt they could have gone longer. My second grow (not clone grow) I let go about 10 weeks and still I had trouble even seeing any amber trics. Trouble is I'm color blind and had to have my wife see for me and she couldn't see any either.

Your Skunkberry looks great! She's gonna have some nice colas there!!