my 1st hydroponic grow


Active Member
on the left white widow,
in the mid some seeds my other buddy game me he says the jack harrier seed who knows five are not in the pic
and on the right the free seeds that came with the white widow seeds

and the rest of the set up hooked up for an ebb n flow system



Active Member
agrosun gold 400w,watering 2 times a day for 30 min each and temp is 86.9f humid 44% 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness


Well-Known Member
im not hydro but i know my plants get like that if theyre not getting quite enough water. nuts dont seem to look like theyre a prob. plants look nice and green, think i saw a slight shade of yellow one pic which would be maybe a slight bump up with some nitrogen, but it coulda just been from the camera. id check with someone here who knows a little more about the type of hydro system youre working with.

also might want to see if you can possibly move the light a little closer, espicially if its a MH(cant really see how close it is in the pic) and maybe try to get it down a few degrees.


Well-Known Member
Concur, up your nutes man. Mine did the same thing, they would spurt, hold for a while, get unhappy, I would add nutes, another spurt.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't be so hasty to add more nutes. whatever you're doing is working so until there's a clear problem developing don't try to fix things that aren't broken.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Kant and weediscool - i wouldn't add more nutes just yet. I'm not sure what the directions are for your watering system but it looks like drip. I use aero and the directions say to keep watering continuously while the lights are on (and for an hour during the middle of dark periods) - underwatering maybe? too hot?


Active Member
these are the nutes im using might be abit weak.
summer ms 1.1-1.0-1.9 it says 40 teaspoons per 10 gallons i put 20 gallons of water in the res so that 80 teaspoons and fulcrum ms 5.1-0.0-0.9it says 10 teaspoons for every 10 gallons so thats 20 teaspoons i do this every two weeks

