My 1st grow


Well-Known Member
HEY GG!! oh man ur femmies look so nice!!! I'm still waiting patiently for Mary, should be a couple of more days. I'm very very happy you got more females then what you were expecting!! I can't wait to see the buds start filling in on these beauties!!!

xx- toolage


Well-Known Member
HEY GG!! oh man ur femmies look so nice!!! I'm still waiting patiently for Mary, should be a couple of more days. I'm very very happy you got more females then what you were expecting!! I can't wait to see the buds start filling in on these beauties!!!

xx- toolage
Thankyou very much T :D
I can't wait either, am really excited :D

yep - all that stem space should be filled with buds over the coming weeks. yummy!
:D Hi Email :D
Thanx for stopping by :D
I can't wait :D

Plants are looking great grassgirl. Keep up the good work!
Thankyou very much :D
& thanx for stopping by :D


Well-Known Member
plants look very nice..good job girl!!!!!

have you cloned any of the girls for the next round ? i also use a 600hps with great results. you will be smoking soon..:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
plants look very nice..good job girl!!!!!

have you cloned any of the girls for the next round ? i also use a 600hps with great results. you will be smoking soon..:joint::peace:
Thankyou very much :D
No sadly I haven't, I was thinking I would maybe put them back into veg after my harvest & then take them,
They seem to love the hps I've used it all the way through & they've done nothing but thrive, I can't wait to smoke them :weed:

mmmm..make sure the top bud is driping...nutes ftw!
I'll try my damned hardest :D
Yes I'm giving them canna terra flores, now at full strength every other day,

Thanx for coming by :D

Pics are coming up bty x


Well-Known Member
Right well, nothing very different tbh, apart from they look like monsters :lol:
I think my ladies are loving the extra room in there now the males have gone :D

here's some pics:

Group shot

I popped my mobile phone in there so you can see just how big they've gotten, I couldn't fit the top of this plant in the pic either :lol:

One out of the tent:
(bty this is the smaller of the 3)



Well-Known Member
noob question coming your way

are the tops supposed to droop like that in flowering or is that a little bit of overwatering?


Well-Known Member
I aint to sure tbh T :?
I was thinking the same myself, I do only water when they're bone dry, I have noticed tho, these girls have gotten alot thirstier this past few days, now that there buds are coming, have you noticed any change in yours ?

I'm gonna go & see if it's still the same brb x


Well-Known Member
I had just watered them about 20mins before taking the pics, they're looking a little better now, It's only the indica dominant ones that are doing it, the sativa dominant looks fine x

So maybe it's the strain ?


Well-Known Member
well I do know that the leaves curl up in parts of flowering to let the light hit the bottom parts of the plant.

Mine have gotten thirstier as well, I've updated my watering schedule which I probably should have posted in my journal lol. I've changed it to

Lights on:
25min every 6 hours for 12 hours
Lights off:
15min every 6 hours for 12 hours

Still no signs of over/under watering but I am getting a small notice of whitish/yellow tips on a couple of leaves to show that I need to put a lil less nutes in but that's about it.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully that could be it then, so as to let mre light to the nugs ?

Your grows looking Fab T,
I may try hydro sometime in the future, just looks a little complicated tho :lol:


Well-Known Member
thank you gg xx, lol it's really not as complicated as it seems, trickle/drip system is dummy proof.

Everyone thinks I'm crazy to go from hydro to soil, but I really want to see what it's like and plus i'm gonna be able to grow alot more in a smaller enviroment. Hopefully I will have as much luck for soil as hydro gave me!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you will T, you've got a natural green finger :D

I've enjoyed doing soil :D
I use canna Terra Vega, I think it's good stuff :D
If you want any pointers when you switch just let me know :D