My 1st grow


This will be my 1st grow,if I get my room built.
Can anyone help me with a list of the equipment I will need for a grow room, I have an ebb & flow, with a 576 watt LED. But I need a list of all then things I will need, fans,vents,timers,co2, Then if anyone can help me with a good layout of the room. I know I could figure it out , but will wish I did it different when through.
Please Help,
aka Ol'Yippie


Well-Known Member
dude you have give a little more info. How big the room is, it's diminsions, how many plant you want, what your budget... many thinkgs to look at


I haven't built the room yet. I was thinking 8x10x8 or what ever size is best, I can do 12 plants but would like to have 24. Like I say this is my 1st grow I'm starting from scratch, & my knowledge of doing this is nill. I have grown many things never hydro. I can afford the things I need, I guess I need help with the what equipment I need but most all rooms would use the same things maybe bigger or more & then with the set up if I could find some place that had different layouts of rooms I could put one together.
Thanx for your feedback
Maybe I should ask what size & design & layout of a room would be best for 24 plants, I have lots of room to start with. in a safe place,too!