my 1st grow (indoor stealth)


Well-Known Member
I'm using a couple of cfls to start out, however I hope to get more cfls for veg and a 150w hps for flower. I started them in a paper towel and they are now in jiffy pellets. Later I will be using Fox Farm's soil and nutes. I'm using a small cabinet for veg and and a dresser for flower... I hope this is enough information (I'm pretty toasted). Feel free to criticize me on anything and everything.



Well-Known Member
Update: The shell popped off last night and it already has a set of "true" leaves!!! Is normal for it to have them this early? regardless I'm pretty happy with how fast its growing. The others are still underground but I hope too see them soon...


Make sure you have them covered with some aortic dome. You want the humidity up to 50 - 60%. You can take any clear top that will hold in moisture. Keeps them lights close to the top. Take some pics of your set up. More info to be able to help if you have questions. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
wow... this is a little sad but i left my 1 and only seedling under a light that was too close and fried it. oh well... back to square one