Very impressive with 1 week of 18/6 fo' sho'... ahaha... that jack sounds pretty awesome, send me a cutting

I am definitely comparing and looking at things closely as I progress. I do feel like I got a lot more flavor out of this batch I did with earth juice (organics, though not living soil) than I did with fox farm products. Plants I grew out with foxfarm's liquid/solid trio seemed to all sort of smell/taste the same in some basic way... it didn't taste bad at all, but everything I've grown out organically smelled more "individual" from each other, for lack of better way to describe it. Like the palette is more clear so the 'flavors' seem louder and more discernable.
To be fair, the genetics of the earlier runs were also mixed bag seed and some blueberry fems from a friend, of which I have no idea of the genetics... and the organic run was done with all sannies genetics... so who knows "what's what" as far as what I have been tasting! But I have heard other people say FF products have a consistent taste/smell so I figured that was a factor...
But yeah, I'm keeping an eye on things, and I actually do expect it to do much better, personally, haha. I got my fingers crossed on dem living soil microbes. haha. I feel pretty good about it so far. Growth is vigorous, green is still really strong, and I've been supplementing it with ewc teas, earth juice teas, and a small dose of ca/mg+ organic with each watering... feel like i'm "way ahead of the curve" compared to how I was handling things with liquids. Lots of preventative supplementation, rather than waiting til I see signs of need... and no signs of burning, everything seems cool. They seem to enjoy it. So yeah. I feel like this is gonna work good... hoping I'm finally at the point now where I can get a grow under my belt that I feel real confident about having done WELL, rather than just kinda feeling like "Well, I made it to the end and they didn't die!" which is how I have felt trying to get through flowering with deficiencies in the past...
but... I digress... lol.
Appreciate the nice response homie
When I started up....Looking at all the different options that I had, I chose organics because the word was that flavor and aroma were without doubt better from organically produces buds...So I went it lol.
There's TOO much to learn bro, regarding all the different ways you can get to the same result, so I'm still learning as much as I can about it. But for the most part, I know i've I put the time in so far and that I have a REALLY good understanding of the way things work, but still not good enough.
Knowing what I know and based on some of the things I've learned, especially about AACTs, I'm really gonna focus my energy on learning how to tweak them!
Recently I've come across some info suggested the possibility to create "bottled nutes" w/ AACTs, in the sense that we're brewing not just to reproduce bennies, but to get them to feed heavily on whatever amendments you add to the teas, so that they process them into readily available nutes..
That all boils down to the perfect ratios of ingredients, as well as brewing times! As far as I know Im just piecing shit together at this point tho, and trying to make sense of it all.
Gonna work hard on that this next go around tho...My logic is that our microbes in the soil are out buffer, and the best one you can have at that!
So with such a strong buffer, would it be possible to push it to the EXTREME giving them AACTs?! Still supporting a healthy soil ecosystem?!
If it's possible, I'm damn SURE gonna fine it out! Being able to hit your girls with a nutrient solution EVERY WATERING without ill effect it what I'm talking about haha! We'll see what happen tho. Side by side style.
And a tip bro, google all the amendments that you have..Did I share Cannabication with you?
If so, right before I started I researched all the amendments I'd use and made like powerpoint to study until I got it haha!
Well it's still over there if you wanna have a look at it.
But with that said, a lot of the amendments we're using serve more than one purpose in the soil so that we can limit the different things we gotta use to get the job done. Wanna simplify the mix even more in the future, but for now it great haha!
But the kelp meal and hi cal lime in the soil should hand the ca/mg so there shouldn't really be a need to add it unless you see it ya know? And when you add it in an AACT, it acts faster. Faster than it would if you just watered with it or topdressed with it. So when you add things, you have to do so in EXTREME moderation each time, because you can accrue buildup for sure and prob throw something off. With the living soil you kinda gotta be preventative rather than proactive I'd say bro! Just some food for ya mind!
And my girls are less than a month from done bro, and everything is ALL green. That bagseed will be coming down probably in two week and it JUST started showing yellowing in the oldest fan leaves a couple days ago! Getting closer bro! But we gotta figure out how we can push it ya know?!
I'll start dropping the knowledge in the soil thread ASAP! But good thing is that we can work together and do different things(or the same thing whatever) and figure out how we can get even more outta the mix ya know.
Teamwork makes the dream work!