My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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Dude I love medibles!! That's pretty much where all my crop goes anymore and concentrates. I keep some around for just smoking but other then that it's medibles and concentrates for me.

I put 1g per edible and well ya it's great lol. Each batch of canna oil I get 86 cookies from and it only takes a 1/4 cup of oil :D

Word! It was one of my homies ideas and damn if he didn't DO IT UP! I literally felt drunk for a while lol! MADNESS!
Soon enough tho I'm gonna be gettin' my chef on! It's looking like I'm gonna have some FROSTY as plants!
And I can't give up my spliffs haha. I've been told of the amount of weed I'd save with a vape haha which is a couple hundred a month lol, but anyone that knows me knows that if they're smoking with me we're rolling proper spliffs haha! It's just something about smoking a nice joint to me man!
What's up with you tho man?
I need to see some of those bondage result homie! Throw me some knowledge! What you got for me?
Holy MOLEY!!! They look freakin AWESOME :) This just made my whole day.....thank you :)

Nirvana Bubblelicious is the frostiest and most yummy tasting green I have smoked in my whole life :) I remember mine like it was just yesterday.

Things are starting to get really EXCITING around here!!!!
I had a 8track cassete of Fleetwood Mac,Tht i finally burnt up,it just locked up.Gzz thts been along time

Remember the days of rewinding with the tape all in my lap,Like the commercial says these Kids have it too easy these Days!

I had a 8track cassete of Fleetwood Mac,Tht i finally burnt up,it just locked up.Gzz thts been along time

Remember the days of rewinding with the tape all in my lap,Like the commercial says these Kids have it too easy these Days!


haha I can't remember the last time I saw a cassette haha! And being black it's WAY against the norm for me to like country as much as I do haha but on of my favorite songs artist/groups of all time is Rascal Flatts haha. But shhhhhhh, don't tell nobody lol! I relate to all good music. I love it. Theres something in EVERY genre that I like I'm sure.
Poetry I love so meaningful lyrics i'm all about.

I'm about to throw some more pics up tho! Just rotated the plants and snapped some shots! Stay tuned! :joint:
Holy MOLEY!!! They look freakin AWESOME :) This just made my whole day.....thank you :)

Nirvana Bubblelicious is the frostiest and most yummy tasting green I have smoked in my whole life :) I remember mine like it was just yesterday.

Things are starting to get really EXCITING around here!!!!

Preeeesh Cali!
I didn't think my Bubblicious would end up doing anything for me becuase it's a auto flowerer, but I'm running it 12/12, and it didn't have show a HINT of flowering until I flipped to 12/12 4wks ago.
I've looked around the forum tho, and I'm not the only auto-bub grower that this has happened to, so I'm not too worried about it. Especially at this point haha!
And things are getting exciting haha! I see you working too! :joint:
Just rotated them and I'm about to throw some more pics up! Stay tuned!
Word! It was one of my homies ideas and damn if he didn't DO IT UP! I literally felt drunk for a while lol! MADNESS!
Soon enough tho I'm gonna be gettin' my chef on! It's looking like I'm gonna have some FROSTY as plants!
And I can't give up my spliffs haha. I've been told of the amount of weed I'd save with a vape haha which is a couple hundred a month lol, but anyone that knows me knows that if they're smoking with me we're rolling proper spliffs haha! It's just something about smoking a nice joint to me man!
What's up with you tho man?
I need to see some of those bondage result homie! Throw me some knowledge! What you got for me?

I'll get them to you I promise. Just been busy lately with my girls grandma passing so been doing the whole family thing. I'll get them tomorrow evening.

Hope all is well bro
Rotated them and snapped some pics while at it. Decided against untying them. I figure ill leave them tied down for another week just to make sure they're do e growing vertically.

image.jpgimage.jpgNirvana Auto Bubblicious on 12/12.
image.jpgimage.jpgSeeds Man White Widow. 25+ tops in a level canopy!
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgDina Fem Blue Widow. It's got like a clustered main cola! Frost advisory in effect as well! I got a NICE whiff of flowers moving them around the eve!(light NO yellowing in first pic)

image.jpg"Gang Green"

image.jpgimage.jpgMystery Bag Seed already flowering! When it was just seedling I hacked all the fan leaves off of one side and tie it down, which means this is the work of LST only.
id recommend removing the Fanleaves on the side to be tied down, just to that they're not laying in the dirt underneath the plants. Removing them didn't stunt growth any. If so it wasn't noticeable. Anxious to see what this begins to smell like so we can put a name to it. I'm gonna call it "gangrene" if I don't find out what is it. I don't anticipate being able too but who knows...maybe

image.jpgimage.jpg Seeds Man White Widow. A little stunted due to the fact that I had to pull it up as a seedling, but surviving nicely nonetheless.
I haven't do t anything to this plant. I'm just gonna let it grow as it would naturally. They are a couple pistils on this one.

image.jpgimage.jpg Seeds Man White Widow. I F.I.M'd her 7 days ago and you can see the result of the F.I.M cut clearly, which is all that extra branching! As soon as I can F.I.M this again I will. Hopefully tomorrow as its getting too tall.
I F.I.M'd the giant White Widow that I have, and the results show that this particular white widow LOVES a F.I.M cut or two. This was THE ONLY one of the second den that I didn't have to yank up due to knocking the solo cups over and knocking the seeds around.

image.jpgimage.jpg Delicious Seeds Critical Jack. This one I let grow to maybe 6 nodes then topped it above the second node. I discovered this method here at RIU by way of Uncle Ben and his Uncle Ben topping method. His results looked good enough for me to try! So far so good. 4 dominant Flower sites for sure. Possibly 8 meaning I may have topped at the 3rd true node rather than the 2nd. I'm IMPRESSED with how this one is looking too!

image.jpgimage.jpgSeeds Man White Widow #3.
Proof that a plant can get root bound.
I read and saw some great results somewhere stating root bound being a crock of shiiiii...well had roots wrapping around my solo cup and had to cut the solo cup off to transplant without cutting the roots.
I topped her above the 3rd true node and transplanted her into a bigger container, so hopefully in a week we're looking at a new plant haha.
This plant is in the exact same soil as the ones pictured above it. The difference is the others were transplanted on time. So do what you gotta do to keep your plants from getting root bound because its not some damn myth!

And we have it! Another week which we can call history! :joint:
Holy shit your girls look great!! I can really see a diffrence between the plants now and when u first started the thread and didn't have the two 150s and the HO. Like I said man been watchin ur grow since the start and u really made me getof my ass and just start. Now I'm a week into flower on my first ever grow I'm using all cfl till taxes get here and I'm upgrading everything. But now I need ur help again. You and beech really steered me in the right direction with my girls.......
Had to bit the bong where was I o ok. Well I got em transplanted and now that. U mention rootbound I need some education on that. Is it when the roots gow in like a circle around the bottom cuz when transplanting I had one kinda
IMG_20130204_191243.jpgIMG_20130204_191235.jpgIMG_20130204_191327.jpgSorry double postin I'm on my phone and it messed up but I had one kinda bad at the bottom of the pot and one pretty bad that was up about half all root and it hasn't really done nothin in a week or so and the other was wilting over the other night and is now colmin back strong. But my original query was to my one plant that wasn't burned look at the pics and tell me wats up if u can please.
Yeahhh bro.

Basically our plants get root bound when there's too much root mass for the container that you have them in. Or when your plant out grows its pot.
It causes ALL kinda issues from nutrients getting locked out to stunting growth to root rot. When your plants are root bound, they're also easily susceptible to nutrient burn. Hint's your burnt tips. What size containers are you in? If you're in 2 or 3 gal you should be good for your plant size.

But this one situation(being root bound) can wreak ALL kinds of havoc

And your soil is IMPORTANT bro. Just as important as your lights and air quality.
Can't make magic with a shitty soil. Gotta put some time and effort into it and you will NOT regret it.
I'm not seeing one particular thing with your situation bro. Seems like a combination of things that revolve around you soil and air quality based on all the things you've said so far..
I'm not the one at this point to look at your plants and tell you exactly what's wrong with them. Still got some learning to do in that regard.
The color of your leaves suggest that Nitrogen is locked it, their stature says their over or under watered, the burnt OG fan leaves suggest a slight excess of something.
This is just off the top of my head tho bro. You would have better luck on this forum or google :joint:

And I posted a good read a page or two back about watering. Check it out. Good luck man. Your soil can make or break your grow.

Ps. Your sig doesn't work. You might wanna fix that and start a thread. More ppl will help you that way.
I find I'm learning better by trying to answer my questions myself before I seek help. That way I have a general understand already of what I'm trying to find out. There's more than one way to do everything involving this process tho..That I know for sure

*edit:just saw you transplanted. Give them some time so come back to life and go from there
You don't need my help bushmaster lol! Great looking plants and canopy. Cropping could help you open them up a bit more to allow some more penetration on your colas though.
You don't need my help bushmaster lol! Great looking plants and canopy. Cropping could help you open them up a bit more to allow some more penetration on your colas though.

Thanks bro! And shiiiii, I would be honored to have you post on my thread man.
Given the work that you've put in I'd value your advice!

But I've achieved a somewhat similar result to you some what via a totally different regiment. My plants are all about a foot and a half at wk 4 of flower haha. That ain't saying nothing to your inches above the pot tho DAMN!
Had I caught your thread a month ago we'd be looking at a slightly different picture, but its all good.
My next crop will be that much sweeter :joint:

p.s hahahaha I'm gone have to reply to you when my girl ain't around haha. She see that avatar she might think something strange goin on at rollitup hahha. Damn women. WHAT would we do without em tho :leaf:
-1 gallon of pure water or water that you've let sit out for a few days.
-3tbsp EWCs
-1bsp Indonesian Bat Guano(Hi-P)
-1tbsp Algamin Kelp Meal
-2tbsp UnSulphered Molasses

I wake my microbes up by bubbling them for 24hrs with this 10gallon fish tank pump that I got from Amazon
It didn't come with the little tube so I had to buy one separately. They're $1 on eBay.
Feed the soil which will feed your plants! And Check the link out!
Damn, Sure wish i could send Ya a 1k for tht Beast!!!

Haha ALMOSTTTT! Gotta look at what Shwagbag is doin' if you wanna see some WORK!

I think they would've been perfect if I could have kept them like 4 inches shorter each!
Next run I'm going with mainlined plant and a super-cropped and LST plant!
Haha ALMOSTTTT! Gotta look at what Shwagbag is doin' if you wanna see some WORK!

I think they would've been perfect if I could have kept them like 4 inches shorter each!
Next run I'm going with mainlined plant and a super-cropped and LST plant!

I haven't seen Shwagbag around. I'll look into it.

His avatar is sick. That's a good start!
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