As always, just a look around that might inspire some ideas perhaps.
I flipped to 12/12 on Monday and it seems like they're grown a lot in just a couple nights of 12/12.
I beefed up the lighting and now have a total of 30 CFLs and 2 150w HPS Systems.
I have (6)18w 6500kCFLs @ 1170 lumens per = 7,020 lumens
(19)23w 2700kCFLs(5-5000k) @ 1600 lumens per = 30,400 lumens
(3)26w 2700kCFLs @ 1650 lumens per = 4,950 lumens
(2)105w2700k CFLs @ 4700 lumens per = 9,400 lumens
I just calculated........
I'm running 833 CFL watts to produce 51,770 lumens.
I also have the 2 150HPS systems pushing 32,000 lumens(16,000 per)
So in the back bottom corner of my closet I'm pushing around 83,770 lumens!
I've threw together some make shift Mylar reflectors to capture more light.
They're made from Cardboard box and Mylar blankets from Amazon.
So let say due to the fact that I've got poor reflection in some places, I'm losing some light..
But in the places that I do have reflection, I'm gaining light..Between that and the fact that I rotate that plants constantly, I feel alright..
Lets just say I've done all I can to bring my lumens per square foot up! I'm hoping for some very nice buds in about 8-10 weeks! Don't wanna leave ANY bud on the table ha
View attachment 2484527Trying to have a level canopy of buds via LST
View attachment 2484528Seedlings growing fast and good. There are 8 CFLS hanging about 2-3inches above them. They're to the left of the photo above
View attachment 2484529Added some more light between the two plants
View attachment 2484530Too the right side of the plants are 4 more CFLs used as supplemental side lighting
View attachment 2484531My soil mix Emptied the bad in here and we to WORK!
View attachment 2484532Ground level. Hanging above it DIY reflector
I keep my window open and we wear sweats around the house when it gets too cold haha..We sacrifice the heat as much as we can for the good of the cause. I set the heat off during the day and like 65 at night. This helps keep it nice and cool in the closet. The fans pulling the cool air in from the widow and it's helping TREMENDOUSLY! Glad i had the highdea to move everything to the floor. I might be able to get some purple in at this rate!
But yeahhh, just a look around