my 1st grow CFL


Active Member
here is the box as of now. added another two 23w 2700k cfl's. the total now is

1 23w 5600k

1 30w 3500k

4 23w 2700k

am i getting closer to a decent setup?



Active Member
OOooohhh they look yummy
hey thanks man (unless ur being a sarcastic ass hahah, which half the people on here are) but yea their bagseed from some great bud my friend had except i didnt know shit bout growing when i started and pretty much winged it. my next one will have the addition of a 150w hps light and ill be using nutes (fox farm big bloom)


No, no sarcasm. Not this time at least lol. Yeah I'm pretty much wingin it with my 1st grow right now. You should stop by my grow journal if you find yourself with some extra time. I just started it yesterday and I could probably use all the help I can get.


Active Member
here are some pics of my lil girl 38 days into flowering. i know it hasnt been too long, but how much longer you think for this one? id say around a week?



Well-Known Member
here are some pics of my lil girl 38 days into flowering. i know it hasnt been too long, but how much longer you think for this one? id say around a week?
hey take your time i know its hard but hell think of the work you've put into it and ask yourself all that work for some ok smoke or all that work for some serious dank ass smoke? thats the question the fastest flowering strain ive seen takes at least 56 days and that can be longer so you still have another 3 weeks at least be patient you'll be happy later..:hump:peace pot prosperity...


Active Member
hey take your time i know its hard but hell think of the work you've put into it and ask yourself all that work for some ok smoke or all that work for some serious dank ass smoke? thats the question the fastest flowering strain ive seen takes at least 56 days and that can be longer so you still have another 3 weeks at least be patient you'll be happy later..:hump:peace pot prosperity...
hey thanks for the response! i know it seems early but the hairs have significantly receeded since budding and i figured since it was so small that maybe it was finishing quickly


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the response! i know it seems early but the hairs have significantly receeded since budding and i figured since it was so small that maybe it was finishing quickly
thats possible it could be so i took a sample from mine two days ago for my wife and she got a pretty good stone out of it but im at about 50 days of flower on a 56 day flowering strain and mine are also pretty undersized..i refused to smoke with her until my finished product lol..ppp


Active Member
thats possible it could be so i took a sample from mine two days ago for my wife and she got a pretty good stone out of it but im at about 50 days of flower on a 56 day flowering strain and mine are also pretty undersized..i refused to smoke with her until my finished product lol..ppp
haha stubborn, but for the best. yea heres another pic of her and as you can see, shes very small



Active Member
At least you have tight node spacing:-P, You'll have a nice little cola in the end. More light=denser buds, keep adding more as it grows:joint:
yea i know. they started with one 23w cfl for about a month, the other one though is about 16in tall though, this ones like 9


Well-Known Member
All that light that is dissipating out is being wasted since your grow area is not enclosed like in a cabinet grow where most of your light cant really escape like it would in closet grow.. your going to need to build a reflector(be creative) of some kind to put on top of those bitches so you use those cfls more efficiently since cfls are more efficient in enclosed area with good reflective material on the walls


Active Member
All that light that is dissipating out is being wasted since your grow area is not enclosed like in a cabinet grow where most of your light cant really escape like it would in closet grow.. your going to need to build a reflector(be creative) of some kind to put on top of those bitches so you use those cfls more efficiently since cfls are more efficient in enclosed area with good reflective material on the walls
it actually is enclosed. theres foil ( i know its not the best) on the top and foil that encloses it where my camera is in the picture. i had to take it down to take a picture in there


Lookin really good man cant wait to see the harvest - I'm actually going to try and start something along those lines here in a few weeks for my first grow.


Active Member
Lookin really good man cant wait to see the harvest - I'm actually going to try and start something along those lines here in a few weeks for my first grow.
yea, i was pretty frustrated with the slow grow rate at first, but that was when i had one cfl and didnt know shit about growing haha, a few hours a day on here readn up and now their much better. but im still planning on gettn a hps light for my next op


Honestly I think that's the best way to go - I'm not looking to put that much money into this project so I'll probably just get a few CFL's like you did.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I agree with the light comments of too far away--- those lamps should be upside down and about 2 inch max away from the tops. You have a great start but I would re-veg longer before going to 12 hour 2700 light . Load up on the 6500's get it bright about 2000 lumes a foot. The bigger the plant the better I have a grow that has been taking a while as it has the formula I shared with you but I think it is still a little dim to get better height and or growth.
Mine are about 18 inches tall after 68 days of 16 hours on and 8 off... I did bend them over a few times from the tops to a 45 degree angle and that had coused the plant to get a beefy stalk, although if you leave it bent over or tied off too long I noticed a bit of shock---so no more then 2 days tied over. Myabe a box lined in mirror or foil like a wardwrobe box to control the light better.

I also use a blend of light of 4 6500's one 2700 zbout 15-18% of blue spectrum while vegging then I am going to go
3 6500's with 2 2700's for flowering for about 6-8 weeks. So I will be increasing the flowering light (2700) to about 50/50 and 12 hours on and off.