My 150w HPS Grow Box~Pics inside~


Well-Known Member
you dont want the air from your fixture to leak into the cab, especially if the fixture is holding a HOT ass HPS. you want to draw the air from teh fixture out of the cab.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
the hot air being vented should not raise temps in the box any more that the hot glass radiating heat. and with the amount of air the bath fan moves i should have complete air exchange in minutes. but like everything a test is in order. the air coming out of the fan averages to about 68 degrees, box temps up in the high 70's. but with the confined space i need to get the plants as close to the light as possible.


Well-Known Member
ok, well with those temps you shouldnt have a problem. but it sounded to be counter productive at first. some things must be seen to be completely understood. post some pics when you get it all worked out and ready.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you enclosure has 2 holes, one for your plenum and the other to draw air in, correct? I think if you are going to veg you can start your grow without the weather stripping as long as you have it light sealed before you flower. It looks good though. Are you doing DWC and scrog?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
here are some airflow pics to show you how she runs.
airflow 2.JPGairflow 1.JPG
I am growing with dirt for now, i gona run some test grows before i get quality genetics.


Active Member
hey have you put your hand near that carbon filter while the fan is running? is any air coming out? from the look of it id say there is more than enough outlet with those 2 vacuum hoses for all of the airflow to just exhaust back into your room with nothing escaping through the filter... that fan will constantly suck hot air out of the room... and then blow it back in again?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
you far from code compliant electricly speaking.
but nice job!
thanks, i will be replacing with romex and boxes when i have the money, this was more of a test set up.

hey have you put your hand near that carbon filter while the fan is running? is any air coming out? from the look of it id say there is more than enough outlet with those 2 vacuum hoses for all of the airflow to just exhaust back into your room with nothing escaping through the filter... that fan will constantly suck hot air out of the room... and then blow it back in again?
yes, there is a good amount of air exscaping from the filter, underneathe the pad the plastic looks like swiss cheese. the air being returned is about 65-68 degrees. remember bath fans are rated to move air out of a 10x10 room (at leaste mine is) so its over kill for my use.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
HOLY SH!T! is all i can say. i replaced the old HPS bulb with a new one and my temps have gone crazy... my box now averages 84-90 degrees, the temps coming out of the fan are still cool... i disconnected the plenum and hoses and replaced them with a small tower fan. How do i get these temps down i am thinking about removing the glass fixture and installing a bat-wing reflector.


Well-Known Member
Youre a true DIYer! looks pretty cool, cant wait to see some plants in that thing.

Bat wing reflector now eh? Thats how it all starts, you set one thing up and youre trapped! Next thing you know, youll have 2 1000W and youre neighborhood smelling of skunk

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Okay, i has been a minute since i posted and i just wanted to get a few updates out before i start my grow journal. I removed the plenum and tubing and closed off the holes. Now the box vents directly to the outside. my temp issues where mainly due to the unusably worm nights we have been having in my neck of the woods. now inside my temps have stabilized 76-78 night cycle, 81-83 light cycle, not perfect but i will take them for now, i have so sprouts coming up and have been working on my grow journal, should be up soon.