my 1 week old clones need help never cloned befor


hi guys i have 6 clones 4 of witch are in my home made bubbler and 2 are from my soil clonning witch the 0ther 6 of the soil clones died there now in rockwoll cubes and so are the 4 in the bubbler any help please thanks:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
i cant lose them all the mother is small do to space and stealth


oh ya there under a t5 54 x 4 watts bulbs 4 footer 80 deg and water is around the same with small heater to keep it there root tech gel super thrive and they where cut at 45 angle

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
do u have a humidity dome for them?
also thats alot of light for rooting clones
also mist them alot too

but cant really help u out without pics

PalmDale Kush

Active Member

alright dude what u neeed to do is get a humidity dome for ur clones that will help u out alot by misting less and also clones need humidty

also put alittle bloom nutes in your res like 1/4th streanth

and yeah your res souldnt be clear for roots to grow strong they need to be in pitch black

whats the temp of the water in ur res?

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
i say you should kick the bubble cloner and go with a easyer method of cloning

the way i do it is i use olivias cloning gel rapid rooter plugs and a humidity dome under 2 26w 6500k cfls and get a heating pad and you will be rooting sucsessful clones

this methode works 100% for me


good looking bro ill wrap the tube with tin foil or some thing to block out any light. I forgot the roots will die from the lights thanks. but that is nt causing them to look like that one looks like its drowning the rest i dont know we will see case one of them in the humidity dome just sprouted roots but she was there for like 2 and a half weeks now so hope fully the rest will after i find a humitidy dome for them

oh yeah it is a kush strain are they a hard bread to clone any one know


cool i got the dome well the top of a cake box its clear like the other one in the pics hope fully they ll perk back up well hope fully they root they could droop all they want as long as they root if this dose nt work ill do what you suggested well lets give it some time cheers all and any more suggetions are welcome i have them on a 20 on and 4 off light cycle so thanks alll this is a learning curve for me


Active Member
im having the same problem my kush clones are not but the blz bud, super silver haze, blue cheese, the kali one of them are surving . but the others are dead and i have a dome , advanced nutrients jump start ,heat ,and a light cut it the right way and no luck with the kush i m thinking im going to have to keep getiing seeds and tring over till i get it right


Well-Known Member
8-)kush is easy to clone just get an easy cloner or build one there is lot of videos on u tube on how to build them all you need is a strong watwer pume like 190 to 200 gpm and some pvc pipe with sime red fine mist micro sprayers and a rubbermaid jug i grow a lot of different kush strains and they all have 100 percent success it takes around 2weeks till trans plant lower your temp to around 70 -70 f and your ph between 5 5.5 and you will be cookin no dome needed just mist once or twice a day plus an air stone in the rez for o2 for your plant 80f is to hot leads to mushy stemsbongsmilie