MXE Tonight


Well-Known Member
So I've got my MXE finally and my MG scale and I'm going camping with it. I've read Erowid extensively to find a right dose and I'm pretty sure I'm going to do a 5mg allergy test and then if that works out bump 20mg and then increase by increments of 10 or 15mg until I like how I feel.

I'm bringing a tiny bit of weed as well but I don't know if I should smoke it or not, if it will intensify the experience too much or what. The MXE I'm getting has a good reputation or at least it is from a reputable vendor.

Any ideas or advice from anyone who has used this chem?
You seem well prepared! :D

I'm glad you actually took the time to read up on safety procedures. Many on here have no eye for detail and just rail for the hell of it, usually getting them in trouble.

I'd say pack the weed, but hold off until the MXE does it stuff. Beside that enjoy the trails. ;)
You almost need the weed to fully enjoy MXE. Trust me smoke a real heady sativa or something very high and it makes the experience. Just my opinion though.
You almost need the weed to fully enjoy MXE. Trust me smoke a real heady sativa or something very high and it makes the experience. Just my opinion though.

A hyped up sativa to enjoy the dig holing qualities of MXE. Why do you feel the mixture is needed?

In the pitch black of things drinking a budlight... I feel the reverence in the unknown. Is the lad okay? I'm sure he's expelling demons as we speak :lol:
It was great! It wasn't as intense as I expected but I didn't do that, I think I did total around 80mg over the course of like 5 hours.

At the end it felt much more like a really clean DXM high than anything else. Smoking really brought it out, just a couple hits would do it.

I never actually tripped, colors looked a little birghter, I could really only concentrate on one thing at a time, everything was really interesting, I had some color patterns when I closed my eyes mostly with music. Snorting it was actually really easy and tasted fine as well, the drip was ok.

Full trip report is coming later and I'll see how much I have left to see how much I actually took.
A hyped up sativa to enjoy the dig holing qualities of MXE. Why do you feel the mixture is needed?

In the pitch black of things drinking a budlight... I feel the reverence in the unknown. Is the lad okay? I'm sure he's expelling demons as we speak :lol:

For me it just excites those certain parts of the brain that allows the MXE to fully envelop me.
I smoked weed, but I didn't smoke a lot of it. And it was satvia for once, it seems like everything here is indica.

What a shame. The Trainwreck genotype is heavenly pleasing :D

Dissociatives are a class of there own when it comes to the schematics of a psychedelic. It's not one that paints pretty halo's or makes a rippling effect in a clouds structure; however, it envelopes the mind to envision much like a archetypical mathematician forming a Rubik's Cube. A separation from mind to body if you will. I'm sure if you lock a group of leading scientist in a room pumped full of Ketamine they'll start contemplated conspiracy theories of there own ;)