MXE in canada


Well-Known Member
I bought a 5gram bag of this MXE just a few weeks ago from the UK, got it sent here in canada and it came no problems... But now Im hearing that it just recently became scheduled in Canada! So is this the last I can get MXE online?

Anyone here in Canada know what's up with MXE? Its not january 10th, I can say if you ordered it 2 weeks ago it will arrive(in my experience) but if I were to order it today would it be stopped?

Also if it is confiscated by customs can I be charged for anything?


Well-Known Member
If they passed a bill that banned the substance I wouldn't order it, some vendors know the rules and probably won't even send it to you when you tell them you're in Canada. But I don't keep track of the legislation in Canada.


Well-Known Member
No. You won't be charged with anything. Also, I'm sure the vendor in question who is channeling MXE through Canada will pull out of that market soon, due to illegality. Most opened source vendors mark there items with the proper IUPAC name thus revealing the contents so it would be pretty stupid on your part to place an order which might end up in customs hands.


Well-Known Member
Prohibitively, is correct!

I wouldn't cast the greyest shadows yet. There is still hope for MXE to thrive. But you'll need to dissolve every ounce of energy in the inter-web. Sherlock Holmes was skilled at unmasking thievery in the streets... now its debauchery that unravels on the web and you're the keen subject at hand. ;)

Interpret the law as you will. :D


Well-Known Member
That smile says it all. I might try it again. Worste case scenario say I didn't know any better and I was just buying it for a friend who didnt have a credit card lol


Well-Known Member
That smile says it all. I might try it again. Worste case scenario say I didn't know any better and I was just buying it for a friend who didnt have a credit card lol
Exactly. You got the gist of it all. :D

Remember a Law does not officially go in affect until someone goes on trial. There is no trial precedent for any MXE case that I know of. At most the vendor would be liable as there the ones selling it. You're just the innocent guinea pig caught up in research purposes. :lol:

BTW, I love my pickles with a zesty crunch! ​;)