

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm growing 5 plants which are about 7 days from seed. One I believe is a polyploid. It's twice the size of the other plants and has three leaves instead of two like all the others. It's second set of three leaves are as big as the other four plants first set of two leaves.

Do I have a rare plant and if so how can I breed. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
-If it's a female then you want to use pollen from a large strong male.

-If it's a male then you should collect it's pollen and pollinate the strongest females you have.

-Also you can just clone her if she's female.:blsmoke:

Here is BIGBUDJOHN420's polyploid


Active Member
I had a sprout do this once it was my second ever but the leaves went back to normal on the fourth set. I called it a mutant as well.


Well-Known Member
Well after 8 days it is 4 inches with triple the growth of the others so I guess I'll have to wait and see
i have a 7 foot plant i topped once it has 2-3 foot colas every node has 3 leaves and 3 buds, is this what you mean by polyploid? i have never heard this term before.


Well-Known Member
Yes it's a triploid meaning three sets. Polyploid is a general term to refer to any mutation over two sets.