Well-Known Member
Alright thanks for the tip!! So at what point would you give up on treatment and cut away the brown parts ?
The treatments should take care of the brown parts and preserve the main shaft of the tap root but you could cut it out if you want. The parts of the roots coming out of the pots mainly act like pipelines to carry the water and nutrients up to the plant once the plants are well established. All the action happens at the tips where the fine feeder roots are. That's why when I grow in pots I saw off the bottom of the root ball every time I repot and will shave off long roots growing around the sides too. That forces feeder roots to branch off the main roots and fill the pots with a fine web of feeders that are much better and more efficient at getting food to the plants.

Roots are not the delicate creatures that many think they are. They grow back incredibly fast.