mutant plant


Active Member
Thays one fuckn sick looking plant

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I know I just thought Id grow it and see what happens,shes been putting out single leaves since she started growing.As I said I wouldnt do it again,Ive not got the heart to kill her though lol so I just hope she smokes as good as her mom


Well-Known Member
Update on the mutant plant which isnt so mutant anymore, low stress training is going pritty well from what id expect what do you guys think? First day of lst made the plant look fricken wierd but the day after o ce the tops had a chance to follow the light it started looking better and now it looks awesome, day 4 of 12/12, just realised that by putting bricks under my pot will raise it to the perfect hight lol

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Well-Known Member
Trim your nails a bit more and they will be perfect.
Perhaps a strong acid dip would be to your liking?


Well-Known Member
I've revegged plants that looked like that. Just grow it out it will look more familiar in time. Watch you don't overdo it with the nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Heres another mind fuck for all you nice people, if what the fuck was the first thing that came to mind then like my post haha. Another wierd ass leaf. And btw i took 3 or 4 small side branch clones from this mutant bastard. I know im already far into flowering but i decidw today o dont wanna regret not keeping the strain just i case the smome is as good as it smells

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Well-Known Member
Yo dude ive had clones I took during flowering look like that as they reveg r they seeds or clones the leaves I had was like cabbage or spinach freaky plant was fine after that man grew normal just keep growing it see what happens


Well-Known Member
No its a clipping i took to become a clone lol. All my plants are from seed so tgis is my first ever clone attemp

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