mutant plant


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so im new here and to the hobby, all my others are lookin20140412_221934.jpg 20140412_221946.jpg 20140412_222111.jpg 20140412_222030.jpg 20140412_221946.jpg 20140412_221946.jpg g sweet besides this one. Anyone know why it is looking so damn wierd? None of the leaves are looking proportioned and the way they should and also is this plant too small to have pre flowers?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
yeah it does look rather odd, in fact doesn't even look like pot other than the lower leaves.

I would guess it have been given nutes or grown in hot soil, but I assume your other plants were all the same conditions.....can you post a pic of your other plants

BTW....looks way too young for pre-flowers


Well-Known Member
Might want to check your PH. PH being outa range can cause weird leaf growth sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I am still struggling to accept that as an MJ plant.
If you examine the veins in the leaves, they are asymmetrical and are not shaped like MJ.
Were those from seedstock, or did someone sell you cuttings?
I have heard that certain chemicals can alter and mutate pot plants, like colchicine.
Did you add something to your nutes?
Does that soil have wood chips in it? (not that wood chips would create mutations, just curious)
Without more pics and some more details, it's hard to say.
You just joined today, so I think your fucking with us.


Something stressed it out, my guess is roots are no good. I wouldn't invest time or resources on it. Better off starting another healthy seedling :-)

If you grow it I'll probably herm.


Active Member
seen many plants start off like this. i wouldnt say its nutes as ive seen it happen in fresh basic compost! ...just let it grow out n itl be fine! and dont worry if it grows slow, it should sort itself out in flower, ive had a 3cm plant in veg end up pumpin out over 1oz of solid bud!


Well-Known Member
I am still struggling to accept that as an MJ plant.
If you examine the veins in the leaves, they are asymmetrical and are not shaped like MJ.
Were those from seedstock, or did someone sell you cuttings?
I have heard that certain chemicals can alter and mutate pot plants, like colchicine.
Did you add something to your nutes?
Does that soil have wood chips in it? (not that wood chips would create mutations, just curious)
Without more pics and some more details, it's hard to say.
You just joined today, so I think your fucking with us.
Looks like a fucking Daffodil to me bro


Dude! Destroy your camera, computer and burn your house down! That's "Albert Einstein Jr." aka top secret double sub government weed bro. Whoa!

Fuuuck man, that's the shit from Reefer Madness. Makes white guys paint themselves black and rape old ladies.

Only choice you have is to go off the grid. Get out, there coming.


Well-Known Member
Looks just like poison ivy :cry:. Really man are you sure its pot? Consensus is its a weird freaking plant. If grow space is not critical let it grow and see WTF it is lol. I've grown some plants that started out looking really bad and they stayed bad, just didnt have the heart to pull them lol.


Well-Known Member
GMO weed brought to you by the wonderful folks @ Monsanto. Cause not only do they want to patent all the food that grows that we eat they also want to patent MJ just cause they are some greedy Evil bastards .........:fire:


Well-Known Member
Haha im loving all the comments and no im not fucking with you guys, im dead serious. Om maybe i should have more details so her goes.
As far as seeds or cuttings go i actualy got about 50 seeds from a mate who bought some seeded weed bcoz of its cheapness, i know some people will say that i am wazting my time tryna grow them and all but im not in it to get the huge yeild or perfect bud, im a first timer to this and i thort id give it a go with cheap seeds and see what happens. As far as soil goes i have about 40% compost from the garden 40% organic potting mix(yes it has some small cwood chips) 10% perlite and 10% sheep pellets which is blood and bone from sheep. I have four plants under the lights and in the exact same soil mixture, one thing that makes me wonder is that they were all sowed at the same time and yet this xmen version in its earlier seedling stage suddenly stoped growing and started wilting pritty badly and i had no idea why but i had a feeling i over waterd it so i left the soil to dry out abit and a few says later the saggu leaves stayed wilted and new growth from the top appeared and it went absolutely mad and had new leaves on a daily basis. It is definitely not a slow grower at all considering its near death
Experience, justabit of side info i jave been using fresh water off the roof(rain water) and cycled fish tank water as its first stages of ferts which im assuming is what you guys call nutes, i have as of yesterday started using a fish waste/sea weed liquid fert as its food source. I have been told by a mate what to use as he has done it succesfuly alot of times. Jeres a pic of what the other ones look like. Oh and before i forfet and im not sure if this will make any differance but i fiimmed the mutant plant a few days ago and ever since then its been sprouting leaves off the side of the little nodes like crazy. And if anyone is wondering my lighting is 3 24watt cfls 2 are cool daylight and one is warm light as iver heard from a few people that the plants benefit from abit of warm light in the veg stage, at first i had only the 2 cool daylights in an growth was slow but once i had installed the extra cfl growth almost doubled

