Mutant Plant.


Well-Known Member
On the 8th of July I planted 1 of 2 seeds I scored from a bud that a friend gave me. Two days later, on the 10th, I planted a seed from the bag I got a while back. The seed from the 10th broke out first and the one from the 8th broke out about 4 days after. Anyway, the one from the 8th seemed really weak. The seed wasn't the greatest looking but hell, it popped out so I nursed it. I gotta say that the weed from that bud really messed with my allergies and gave me a nasty headache. Anyway it started doing good but it was looking really deformed. A bit later I noticed some mold in the soil so I took it out of my vegitator and placed it in an eastward facing window where it gets morning sun till noon and ambient after that. Two days later she's stretching like a good thing. Anyway, I'm gonna keep vegging it out by the window and see where it goes. I'm really just wondering if anyone has any experience they could share. :joint:

First two pics are taken on the 31st
Next 6 are from the 2nd of Aug
Next is the mold I found
Last is my Germinator/Vegitator LOL This is the plant that I planted on the 10th. I had two others from this bag but they both ended up being males. Hopefully 3rd is a charm

Mutant 1.jpgMutant 2.jpgMutant 4.jpgMutant 7.jpgMutant 5.jpgMutant 5_1.jpgMutant 8.jpgMutant 5_1.jpgMutant 3.jpgMutant 9.jpg