mutant? difficiency? fuck if i know.


Active Member
ok so i have a problem with 1 of my plants, its not my first time growing its just a new problem ive never seen,... hard to explain so ill let you guys decide.



Well-Known Member
are you talking about the slight yellow on those numbered ones. what do you have there for soil?


Active Member
yeah that piece of shit yellow tintage/ mutation on those leaves, this is what the plant looked like when the first sign of the yellow started.. sorry about the shitty picture i just bought a new camera the other day and this was just a few days before it

i have this big bag of soil in my garage, when i first started my plants i used that bag( bought fresh this year, just some black soil with perlite and petemoss or some shit id have to look at the bag, but theres the soil that was in the garden, most likely shitty soil that the roots could possibly be growing into because i only put the pot size worth of soil in the ground with the plant and covered up the soil with the shitty soil so it would blend in and not stick out.

ironic, i call my brother ben, bonz...
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Well-Known Member
that poor soil makes me think thats the problem,any nutes and do you know your ph?


Active Member
ive only added 20 -5 -10 flouro nutes, i forget the name on the package... must be the soil tho. if i trasplant ill see what i can do, oh well still growinng...


Active Member
HI, I had the same problem. That first picture you have there with the leaf rolled up, well, you should check it and make sure you don't have spidermite eggs being layed inside it. I had the same problem with the holes in my leaves and couldn't figure out what was the problem, until one morning I came out and saw the leaf curled up the same way. When I looked inside it, it was a nest of spider mites. I cut it off and sprayed some insecticide specifically for those buggers @ home depot. Problem solved... so far. Haven't seen any more spidermites or more holes developing on the leaves. Check it out pronto!


Well-Known Member
what mix are nutes and how often are you giving it to them.make sure you do a wet dry cycle for watering. young spider mites will look like little white spots on the underside of the leaves, the adults get darker,they leach water from the bottom and leave white spots there on the top. they are nasty 1 will bread into 1000 in a week. and the eggs can lay dormant for about a year but i dont think thats it. change that soil. if its good top soil or something no nutes for 2 weeks


Active Member
oh fuck eh, well that might not be a problem, had a nice little hail storm, it took out a few of the leaves on both plants, and ithink im pretty sure that the infected leaf was taken off.


Active Member
Nature taking care of your girls for you... Not sure you can ask for anything more. Not unless she plans to roll you a joint too.