

Well-Known Member
has the world gone fuckin crazy been watchin this documentry about muslims an the effects round the world it started with austrila these muslims running about beatin any 1 thats not a muslim an tellin the girls on the beach 2 cover up or be raped a place were sunbathing is world wide known an they gang raped a teenage girl now the aussies r changin things 2 suit them then in scotland they lifed a young lad at 15 drove him off an stabbed him 20 times as he screamed im only 15 i dident do nothing an the pour,d petrol on him then light it in england they hav changed the name christmas to x mas to suit them in places an they our even scared 2 metion the word muslim on tv incase it offends , i myself was in roural ireland a few weeks back where the old foke still speak galic an went in2 a shop 2 get ciggys an a bunch of muslims jumped out an stood round me like i was in to rob the place . there,s an old sayin when in rome do what the romans do , these people has no respect 4 any 1 that believes diffrent from them every country the go 2 they demand people to change there culture to suit them an then they call you raisis by no means am i but these people our a joke i think keep them out an you wont hav a prob , just my views what do you,s think.... peace


New Member
has the world gone fuckin crazy been watchin this documentry about muslims an the effects round the world it started with austrila these muslims running about beatin any 1 thats not a muslim an tellin the girls on the beach 2 cover up or be raped a place were sunbathing is world wide known an they gang raped a teenage girl now the aussies r changin things 2 suit them then in scotland they lifed a young lad at 15 drove him off an stabbed him 20 times as he screamed im only 15 i dident do nothing an the pour,d petrol on him then light it in england they hav changed the name christmas to x mas to suit them in places an they our even scared 2 metion the word muslim on tv incase it offends , i myself was in roural ireland a few weeks back where the old foke still speak galic an went in2 a shop 2 get ciggys an a bunch of muslims jumped out an stood round me like i was in to rob the place . there,s an old sayin when in rome do what the romans do , these people has no respect 4 any 1 that believes diffrent from them every country the go 2 they demand people to change there culture to suit them an then they call you raisis by no means am i but these people our a joke i think keep them out an you wont hav a prob , just my views what do you,s think.... peace
There are bullies in every culture. If these things happened as you have said and the perpetrators were not hunted down and prosecuted then there is some reckoning to be made. No-one in a community of law is allowed to commit those acts without consequences. There are plenty of muslims in American prisons, most are blacks I believe, but also a few middle eastern muslims that have commited crimes. Those aforementioned clowns need to be punished.,


Well-Known Member
any 1 that believes an prays 2 god what ever they believe r good people what ever the race but these asian youth,s use there gawds name to rape beat an kill people an think they can do what they like becouse its what they believe id say proper holy muslims would not act like this in 15 - 20 years they,ll b tellin us what 2 do in our countrys this is only the start an they r in every major country in the world throwin out there demands an change hunders or thousands of years of tradation 2 suit them


Elite Rolling Society
Timothy McVie that blew up the Trade Center was of the Baptist Religion.
Does that mean ALL Baptist are terrorist or monsters?
Lee Harvery Oswald was a Catholic, so do we hate all Catholics?

Muhamed Ali and Cat Stevens are both Muslims and yet they are great men that do much charity and great things for mankind!

George Bush is Methodist. Are all Methodist War Mongers?

All Muslims are not Black, or Terrorist or Monsters.


Well-Known Member
im not sayin that at all im just sayin these people r running about mad doing what they like then they just say its ok becouse there gawd says so they had planed to blow up gatecrasher in the uk (its a rave)an the says no 1 would mind becouse its full of whores with there tits an ass out an druggys thats the culture in the uk now but becouse they dont belive that 2 be right they think its ok 2 blow them all up


Well-Known Member
this is what i think about them:

the funny thing about mcveigh and oswald is that their fanaticism is 1) not based on their holy book and 2) even if it were (which it's not) their actions are in the tiniest of minorities within their religions.

with islam there is a prescribed, systematic application of violence not only to all outsiders, whom they affectionately dub "infidels", but even to their own people.

surveys show that anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of them are "extremists".



Well-Known Member

surveys show that anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of them are "extremists".


exaclt what do they mean by extremist surveys really prove nothing most of the time, like in enland the said knife crime had gone down and so had possesion of knives BUT it didnt tell us that it dint include under 16;s and i know plenty of under sixteens who carry knives round with, and have heard of plenty of people threatened by people with knive who are just kids, so to say a 1/4 are extremist could mean anything.


Well-Known Member
muslims were asked specific questions in several well designed and accepted surveys all over the globe. there are tons of them, do a quick search on google.

some surveys go up to 80% but the lowest is always above 20%.



Active Member
Timothy McVie that blew up the Trade Center was of the Baptist Religion.
Does that mean ALL Baptist are terrorist or monsters?
No. Timothy McVeigh was obviously a lone nutjob, and I doubt he was in the least bit religious.

Lee Harvery Oswald was a Catholic, so do we hate all Catholics?
Again, he was just another lone nutjob, and not in the least bit religious.

George Bush is Methodist. Are all Methodist War Mongers?
Another faulty analogy. But many people resort to these faulty analogies. If Johnny jumps off a cliff are you gonna jump off a cliff too? Johnny steals a car, are you gonna steal one too?

Look, you can't point to one bad behavior (McVeigh) to justify another (9/11)'s a really lame thing to's's like if you're a little kid and you get caught stealing candy from the store, and when your mom and dad confront you, you say, "But mom...Johnny did it too!". So what! It doesn't matter what Johnny, or McVeigh, or Oswald, or Bush, or anybody else did, get it? That's all irrelevant.

All Muslims are not Black, or Terrorist or Monsters.
I agree with you, but almost ALL terrorists are Muslims, and most of them are Arabs!

And THAT'S 'da troof!


Well-Known Member
Timothy McVie that blew up the Trade Center was of the Baptist Religion.
Does that mean ALL Baptist are terrorist or monsters?
Lee Harvery Oswald was a Catholic, so do we hate all Catholics?

Muhamed Ali and Cat Stevens are both Muslims and yet they are great men that do much charity and great things for mankind!

George Bush is Methodist. Are all Methodist War Mongers?

All Muslims are not Black, or Terrorist or Monsters.
rose man u singled out 2 lunnybins 2 go against a hole race were as they majorty of them believe that its ok 2 do these things becose people dont obey there religion in countrys thats has believed diffrent 4 thousands of years
an i think muhamed ali was more forced 2 go that way 2 rebel against a currupt goverment back in the 60,s , this only seems 2 be happening from asian muslims normal every day holy people would not act this way


Well-Known Member

Yea those Christians sure are a diabolical group....they stone women and deprive them of any, and all civil rights, it is also a well known fact that they behead their adversaries and blow up innocent fellow Christians every day of the week.
Islamist extremism is blight on humanity that MUST be eradicated.

For those who chose to ignore this real and present danger with delusional logic as on display above....just make room for the ostriches in the holes you have dug for yourselves.
Holy Cow.


Elite Rolling Society
I was trying to make a point that you can not judge a race of people, or a nationality of people, or an entire religion, or a religious sect by the actions of some of it's memebers. And that is what some are doing.


Well-Known Member
i tryed 2 think that way 2 rose man, the used 2 blaim all irish cathloics as terriosts so i tryed lookin at both sides 2 but thats what they r being taught an there giving people no other choice than 2 think this way, there doin it in every country they r in even no know they r gettin a better life were they move 2 they show no respect at all 4 the loacals,


Active Member
terrorists must be a usa invention

anyways, christians were worse people
right on... mate...

and Wevls i think he is refering to the History of Chrisianity and the Church... The stonings.. beatings.... wars... looting... rape... pilaging... decapitations... that took palce a time ago... all under the name of GOD but with twisted motivations... the crusades, the inqusition, (some say the Holocaust... which i believe that the catholic church apologized for)... and this was done to all types of people... .Jews, Muslims, even to other Christians... like the waldenzens, the baptists, the various protestant sects...gypsies... chrisitanity actually used the bible to justify slavery back in the day...

point being each religion has their nuts...but its not fair to say these things as generalization... if you simply look at the facts.. there are over 1.6 billion muslims in the world if muslims were all really like this or were commanded to do such things then the world would be in the midst of chaos right now... every muslim would be running aroung beating "infidels" killing their neighbors and colleges... so this isn't about a religious group being bad or wrong its about a small splinter of fanaticals...that are trying to cause corruption and disturb the peace....

Horses for Courses....

what needs to happen is someone should smoke these guys down...

we should drop some Bud Bombs on them.... :hump::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hi notso....welcome to rollitup!
You are absolutely correct, The Christian history of depravity is well known and understood....but that was a long time ago....Christians are NOT behaving
like barbarians any longer (with VERY few exceptions.)
On the other hand, the fanatical Islamists are perpetrating these horrendous acts EVERY day....this is about the here and now, not the sordid history of is your point remotely relevant to the heinous deeds committed in the name of Allah TODAY?
Moderate Muslims condone these barbarous acts thru their silence.
Shame on them.
Obviously not ALL Muslims are terrorists....but it seems to me they are ALL enablers....shameful and unacceptable behavior, IMO!


Well-Known Member
this isent even nothing to do with religon there r muslims all over the world im sure dont act this way but these asian muslims r gettin a better chance of life when they leave asia the should b happy if they were kept there in that shit hole there would not b this prob, every other rase can leave there country an make a better living still believe there beliefs an get on with it dont hav 2 kill beat an rape people like cristians that u r on about an other tribes did 2000 yrs ago becouse they believe diffrent im on about now


Well-Known Member
we shouldnt push muslims to leave extremism, let them drop that religion by themselves as westerners did with christianity

that in the case is the root of the problem,in my opinion USA is causing all of this, in detrimental of muslims as in the past was with communists


Well-Known Member
do u know what u r talkin about el maco u say usa started this so y r they doing this in every country they go 2 as i says other rases can come an make a good life its them thats forces people 2 b against them if u ask me we r 2 soft on them they wouldent get away with it in there own country they get there hands cut of or somthin an u keep sayin about westeners doing this an that we r never near them shit holes mybe back 2000 years ago


Active Member
Hey Wavels... thanks...

i guess... i kinda see your point... but i still think its unfair to say they are enablers... i think the christian past does bare some significance...due to the fact that it shows a major evolution in a religious institution.. but it also shows it takes time... i think the same can be said in the case for Islam... (given it is relativley young) and the prospects look good for it because these acts are not state/church sponsored... they are individual groups doing these things... take Saudi Arabia for example i read an article in the Guardian a month or so back saying that this govenment has had a huge problem with Terrorists in their own country.. and that through imprisonment, eductation, and placing them in productive jobs these people left their terroristic (? is this a word) ways (this is an example of the exact opposite a religious state trying to stop these kind of things)... I also think that this is another scare tactic by the crazy govenment of my birth country (America that is)... just like to red scare during the cold war and McCarthyism... its amazing to experience life outside america... when i moved to the UK not to long ago (and prior to that travelling around the world for business) you see how closed minded us Americans are raised to be (that puritanical culture)... the same thing(silent enabler) can be said for a catholic or a protestant who had to rationalise what happened in N.ireland... you can't say that these people represent the overall view of either church... and that because no one had brokered peace for all those years that all chirsitans (save orthodox i guess) are enablers of this violence because of their silence... goes back to my original point... if muslims are taught to be like this... or even approve of such behavior... the world would have been in shambles by now... simply if all 1 and half billion of them were to become that violent. the fact is they are not... there maybe a few thousand... at most i'll say 10,000 -20,000 even if you take a number as large as 100,000 (which surely there are not that many... cause that is a sizable military force) that is a minute percentage compared to the entire population... and i don't think it is fair to expect a muslim to be in constant apology for such acts... especially since they are probably targeted more often then not... look at the number of non-muslims killed compared to the number of muslims killed in all these attacks... they are stifiling... in a report you may hear of an injured soldier or one or two forigners dead (i mean westerner or "infidel")... but there will be 10-15 locals (usually muslim) who will die in attacks... often times they are the only ones cause a bomber or killer couldn't make it far enough.... so... i think one needs to take a broaded perspective when looking at things like this before we make harsh generalizations... just look at the civil rights movement... there is still inequaliity today.. because of the centuries old sterotypes... and oppression... it contnues today in other forms... because of not taking the time to look at the whole picture and seeing where we can truly fix thing... instead of patch work or trying to plug the dam with our fingers.

alright... that was way too much thinking for right now... off to...:joint: :blsmoke:
