Well-Known Member
I have played guitar for 19 years but honestly haven't fucked with it much for the past like... 6 or so. Lately I play 7 strings but I will probably get an 8 if I see something I like.
I mostly play death metal and clean evil sounding shit; I can also play the drums good enough to play at a shitty bar but that's about it. I have had a mesa boogie triple rectifier half stack and peavy 6505+ full stack... I really want to play an ENGL powerball with a Vader cab. I like MXR pedals. Ibanez, Jackson, and ESP are my favorite guitars... I like the way PRS feels too but they are a little pricy and I think they only make 6 strings...
http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/u_...6&color=CL01&year=2013&cat_id=1&series_id=164 My dream guitar