musical plants


Well-Known Member
i have heard rumors that playing music for my plants could possible have a positive effect on their growth, is this true?


Well-Known Member
its supposedly because plants technically are "living" and certain music has effects on them like humans


Active Member
I suppose my opinion is a bit worthless as i'm on my third grow attempt (first two were 2 years ago) which is also my only successful one so far, but through the 4 weeks of vegging i did i had my grow cabinet in my room. I live for music, so i had all sorts on, rap, rock, funk, reggae and i have to say compared to my other grows and other people's grows on here, at 3 weeks she was pretty big and bushy looking really healthy. Coupled with the fact that this is the first plant i've managed to make it into flowering stage, i'd say music helped my lady, although it could all be down to the fact i researched a shit load more this time and used a lot of info from you guys here.