Music for your beautiful plants


I might be weird, but i leave my mp3 player on constant repeat with my plants from the time they are seedlings till the moment i cut them down. It is a mash of just about every type of music...from led zepplen, beastie boys, korn to bob marley. Does anyone else do this? I havent tried growing without music, I like the fact when i walk into the grow room i instantly hear good music. Will this affect my grow in any way? If you are using music, what songs do your plants get to hear?


Well-Known Member
I used to play the classics to mine,Beethoven and others.I really dont know any science to it.I have read before years ago now mind ya,that classical music was good for the plants.I think that music anyways is a good thing for them.How would you like to sit in a room all the time knowing you are gonna die soon.
I dunno but yea play something for them.


Well-Known Member
it sounds weird but plants like music. personally i think its because of the sound waves and vibrations not the actual sound of music.