Music for Plants


Active Member
i have read about this before, perhaps in Autobiography of a Yogi try finding some of Luthur Burbank/s (i think) work, he may have been the one to test it, dont feel like looking it up myself right now sorry. but i heard it was classical music that stimulates it but in all actuality it makes perfect sense.

it should not be hard to believe that the same frequencies that stimulate human growth and conciousness will also stimulate a plant'.s

so the key here i believe would to find instruments that closely replicate the AUM vibration in all it's different octaves... flute... piano... well, classical music.

Jack Larson

Active Member
If it is vibration that stimulates growth wouldn't volume and size of speakers play a roll in how well it works or dosen't ? maybe I'll get the correct tone from a fan or a ballast? (LOL).....sooooo baked!! how many db thingies?