music and plants...

cajun rose circle

Active Member
I have been playing music in my grow area. Mostly mozart and mellow 'hippiy' or 'space' rock.

What's the best music to add to the TLC for the plant?
I know, I know. Crackpot question maybe but if on the chance that it helps the plant then why not.

Please list some ideas of what you may play for your plants.:joint::confused:

cajun rose circle

Active Member
calming musing man
Like SLAYER or Michael Bolton? Korn? Just Kidding
Oh you mean like classical, pink floyd, good jazz, GOOD mellow country.......
The Band and their waltzes, Steve Miller for that upbeat positive energy for the plant.
How about that Norah jones jazz CD or ANY Willie Nelson?

Any suggestions on this one?
ive read a couple of things on this said that the music opens up certain cells of the plant that promotes growth. also it said that more than 3 hours of it make the cells stay open and would cause damage.