Mushroom in my grow cup!


I know this is going to be a very stupid question, but will the growth of a mushroom inside my grow cup hurt my bud? I'm doing a party cup grow, the whole 'entire life in the party cup' thing, and on day 9, a little shroom appeared in the soil. This is store bought soil, so whatever the little thing is, it was 'free.'
My only concern is the shroom somehow poisoning the plant or the roots. if it isn't going to, I'd love to keep it in there as decoration (it's likely just a regular mushroom, I'm not hoping for psychedelics here).
I'm attatching a picture, and you can hardly see it, but if you look 'up' past the little soily branch thingy, you can see the tiny shroom. It's about the size of a pin.



Active Member
This is a good thing :). The mushroom will join roots with the plant, and takes fuck all that the plant your plant basically ends up with a whole heap of extra roots for free...:D


Well-Known Member
^Um....that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. :lol: Not, it isn't true, but, the mushroom won't hurt anything so it's not a big deal. I'd pick it out and throw it away. :)


Well-Known Member
ill confirm it.... what Prot means is that there are many species of fungus that form symbiotic relationships with cannabis, particulary in the rootzone. the fungus intertwines and penetrates the roots of the cannabis plant, and exchanges the plants waste byproducts for h20 and micronutes! kinda like a toilet that throws you a cheeseburger everytime you take a shit :lol:
but take this advice with a grain of salt, as sometimes overwatering will cause fungus to bloom(mushrooms shoot up). overwatering + fungus + soil = fungal gnats.


Well-Known Member
^Um....that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. :lol: Not, it isn't true, but, the mushroom won't hurt anything so it's not a big deal. I'd pick it out and throw it away. :)
Well, if you educated yourself it wouldn't be.

Mycellium is beneficial to the plant and will help break down nutrients. It also helps to extend the root mass.
Ideally you should get mycorrhizae for that.

That being said, mushrooms are a sign of watering too much. You need to let the soil dry in between waterings.


Well-Known Member
^Okay, I can agree with that explanation. I just got a kick out of the "whole heap of extra roots for free" line.LOL


Thanks guys. The mushroom has since died, it was there the night after watering, I usually only have to water it every three or so days.